DANGEROUS MINDS DISCUSSION. Part 2. (from 54:00 to the end). VOCABULARY. Vocabulary. Spell the following words and read them. Word-building. Make abstract nouns from these verbs. Which word from the vocabulary is defined?. Fill in the missing lettersСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ DANGEROUS MINDS DISCUSSION Part 2. (from 54:00 to the end) VOCABULARY
Suspend – временно отстранить (от работы, занятий) Dismissal – увольнение Contest – конкурс Shoot – (ругат. sh..t, смягченный вариант) Weird – странный Charm – обаяние One to go – один с собой Cut school – «закалывать» школу Pay back – вернуть долг Graduate – закончить школу (AmE) You have my word – даю слово Record- личное дело Muscle- мышца Arm – вооружить Tough – крутой Term – семестр Condemn – осуждать Mother- to-be - будущая мать Stardom – звездная болезнь Enroll in – поступить (на курсы, в колледж и т.д.) Talk somebody out of something – отговорить Threaten - угрожать Wander – бродить Turn over – направить(в суд) Juvenile court – суд по делам несовершеннолетних How come? – Почему? Как так? On one’s word of honour – под честное слово Accomplishment- достижение Rage - гневаться
Vocabulary Spell the following words and read them [dɪsˈmɪsəl] [ˈrekɔːd] Word-building Make abstract nouns from these verbs Suspend Dismiss Graduate Condemn Enroll Threaten Accomplish Which word from the vocabulary is defined? 1. a personal quality that attracts people to you and makes them like you 2. strange and unusual 3. a competition 4. to say publicly that you think someone or something is bad or wrong 5. to travel from place to place 6. to tell someone that you might or you will cause them harm 7. information kept about something that has happened 8. to officially stop someone from doing their job or from going to school for a limited time because they have done something wrong Fill in the missing letters 1. She is a woman of great personal c_____________. 2. Politicians have c______________ed the attacks. 3. He w___________ed the countryside, looking for his son. 4. The terrorists are t______________ing to kill the hostages. 5. Try to keep a r___________ of everything you eat this week. 6. The Football Association s______________ed him for spitting at an opponent.