The project Pomors of the Russian North1. The project "Pomors of the Russian North"
The Russian North begins at the coast of the White Sea. According to Scandinavian mythology, it was called "Gandvik", which is translated as "Monster's Bay". Although the lands near the White Sea were not suitable for agriculture, these places, flush of fur, fish and marine animals attracted the most energetic and adventurous people who settled along the banks of the rivers and the “breathing sea” - the White Sea. Thus, a peculiar sub-ethnos was formed - the Pomors, who, on their rooks-kochi, reclaimed the western part of the Arctic Ocean, including the Svalbard area which they called Grumant.
Picture 1 - Project "Pomors of the Russian North" Authors: V. M. Burkhanova, V. A. Demyaniuk; Scientific supervisor: K. S. Ivshin
These courageous people win admiration. They were skilled sailors: they went fishing to Norway and Eastern Siberia, and they were also really good at hunting, shipbuilding, and the extraction of salt and pearls. Their whole life was connected with the sea. Based on the life of the Pomors, an illustrative series and patterns were created that tell us about their life.
2. The project «Nuhucos» The following reading of the North is reflected in the mythological theme through object design. In Nenets mythology, the Sun is a woman, taking care of grass, trees and moss. When the frost comes, the Sun hides behind the sky and the night falls – the polar night. This is the first heroine of our story. The print image we developed for her representation is the sunrays. The heroine of another myth is the goddess Yaneba, the patroness of the female side of the family, who helps women to go through the childbirth. Her print image is the teardrops of joy on the face of a woman who has just become a mother. And the third heroine is the patroness of the family - Madpuhutsya. Her symbol is the flower of welfare. Picture 2 - Doll mother rain Author: A. E. Kudelina; Scientific supervisor: K. S. Ivshin
We have attempted to express these myths through print images symbolizing the Northern sun, drops and the flower. Inspired by the Nenets mythology, we have also created a collection of printed toys. The colors of dolls’ clothes - yellow, green and blue – match each of the heroines. The project is called «Nuhucos» which means “to play with a toy”. The concept behind it is the simplicity of the mythology and the ease of the visual perception of the culture in which the child grows up.