Text-article: History of Russian animation and collecting the history of animated films
Выполнила: Студентка 1 курс магистрр, 1901 гр. Федотова Анастасия
Text-article: History of Russian animation and collecting the" history " of animated films
It is no secret that modern animated films are created using computer technology. But there are a lot of traditional techniques in animation: hand-drawn, doll-like, shifting techniques, flat marionette techniques, and plasticine. In 1924, Soviet hand-drawn animation appeared. It was handled by various teams, the most famous of which is the group of Director Dziga Vertov. Vertov is the author of one of the first Soviet cartoons "Soviet toys". In Soviet animation, hand drawing on celluloid existed for a long time. A second of the cartoon consisted of 12 images of the characters in different phases of movement. Even for a very short story, thousands of drawings were required. But, as a working material, celluloids were mostly not preserved, and often the images were washed away to then use the film for future films. Now this time-consuming process has been replaced by computer programs. More valuable are sketches of characters, originals of "rough animation", storyboards, which in a small number remained in the legacies of famous Directors . It is not often that these unique pieces of art end up on the art market and can be purchased not only by collectors, but also by all fans of Soviet animation and its history. And with proper design, they will also become part of the design for a children's room, study, library, and even living room. Ссылка на статью: https://www.quartagallery.ru/articles-ru/istoriya-russkoy-animacii-i-kollekcionirovanie-istorii-multiplikacionnyh-filmov/