Questions about educationQuestions about education 1)Do your teachers think that you are hard-working? 2)Are you going to get a red diploma? 3)Do you think it is easier to learn when you are a child or when you are an adult [ə'dʌlt] *? 4)Who has better grades in your group? Men or women ['wɪmɪn]? 5)Who is a ‘genius’ ['ʤiːnɪəs]? RESPONSE: It’s a person, who… 6)Is the university a good place to find a husband / wife? 7)Do you have friends who have graduated from the university and are working now? What are they saying? Is working difficult? 8)Do many people in your country study abroad (= in another country)? 9)Do your English teachers change every semester? 10)How much has your English group changed? Are there the same people who were there in the first semester? 11)How important is curiosity* in a student? 12)When do you start preparing for exams? A month before them? A week before them? 13) Once* you graduate from a university, should you stop learning? 14)What useless subjects did you have at school? 15)Do you want school to teach religion to children? 16)“Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.” Do you agree? 17)“He who opens a school door, closes a prison.” What does the author ['ɔːθə] of the quote argue ['ɑːgjuː] *? RESPONSE: He argues ['ɑːgjuːz] that…
· an adult [ə'dʌlt] – взрослый · curiosity [ˌkjuərɪ'ɔsətɪ] – любопытство · once [wʌnts] – как только · to argue ['ɑːgjuː] – утверждать