Geographers 2. year 11.40 03.05.21 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Geographers 2. year 11.40 03.05.21 1. Please send me your home task for 03.05.21: p. 156 ex. 5 tags for the text 2. Brief summary of the text p. 156 ex. 5 (please record an audio of you reading the summary) 3. Please retell the text 6.1 p. 157 (please record an audio of you RETELLING the text) 4. What ancient non-existing civilizations do you know? Do you believe in existence of Atlantis? Watch the video “Legend of Atlantis (Full Episode)” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErPsyBUCijM Answer the questions: 1) What has been found around the remote Japanese island of Yonaguni? 2) What other formation does it resemble? 3) What equipment did scientists use to study this discovery? 4) Can you please list the elements of the found formation? 5) How old is this formation? 6) In your opinion is it natural or man-made? 7) What underwater structures were discovered in a Greek bay? 8) How were these circular shapes formed? 9) What was discovered in 1967 by Nicholas Fleming? 10) What objects indicate it used to be inhabited by people? 11) What allowed to date this discovery pretty well? 12) What modern city is threatened by floodings and may be called modern Atlantis? 5. Home task for our next class: p. 158-159 text 1.1 and answer the questions, p. 159-161 text 1.2 + questions, p. 163 ex. 2.1-2.4