Two-factor theoryСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Предмет: Английский язык Класс: 11 ЕМН Урок: 9 Раздел:Recent advances in technology Тема: Two-factor theory Цель обучения: 11.4.4 read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on a variety of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics; 11.5.3 write with grammatical accuracy on a wide range of general and curricular topics.
Цель урока: You will learn: · about two-factor theory. You will be able to: · identify the details of the text and formulate a summary of the part(s) of the text; · use a variety of grammar including some more complex structures.
ФИО и телефон автора сценария: Ахмедов Нурлан Нургалиевич +77058950733 Two-factor theory Two-factor theory Factors that can cause job dissatisfaction are called hygienes while factors that cause satisfaction are called motivators. Job content Two-factor theory was criticized that, naturally, people would refer “good” experiences to events during which theyhad a role, while events that had caused dissatisfaction had to have been caused by external factors.
(Adapted from https://www.britannica.com/topic/two-factor-theory )