Fill in : out of, up with, off, back, on :№1. Fill in : out of, up with, off, back, on : 1. Keep ………. the latest on home security systems to make sure your house is protected. 2. Ask your children to keep …….. the kitchen while you are cooking . 3. Keep ……….. wet floors, as they are quite slippery. 4. If a small fire starts in the kitchen or other part of the house tell children to keep ……. . 5. Keep ……….. reminding everyone in the family to lock all doors.
№2 Fill in the correct prepositions ( in, from, to). 1. It is important to use sunblock on your skin to protect it … sunburn. 2. How do you manage to keep … good shape. 3. Drinking too little water can lead … headaches. 4. Sam still hasn’t recovered … his bad cold.
№3 Fill in:must, may, can, need, to have to. 1. It’s so late, we _______ go now! Dad will be angry. 2. Nick ____ translate that text. He knows Italian. 3. Students _____ pay for their education at private school. 4. Sandra ___ not come to me tomorrow. I’ve already done the project. 5. Fred, ___ I borrow your book for a lesson?
took up going on snacks human/rich/ leads Might mustn’t needn’t may shouldn’t/ вадес
№1 Underline the correct item. Facing your phobias instead of avoiding them might/ought help you overcome your fears.
№2 Choose the correct response. 1 Emergency Services. Which service do you require? 4 Ambulance service? My brother’s fallen down the stairs. He’s hurt.