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1. Kocharyan A.G. Zagryaznenie vody [Water Pollution] // Popular Encyclopedia "Water of Russia". URL: http://water-rf.ru (date of the application: 10.02.2019).

2. Zuntov I. Chtoby spasti bol'shie reki, nuzhno nachat' s malyh [To save big rivers, you need to start with small ones] // Russian Planet. URL: http://rusplt.ru/our-people/our-people-1_165.html (date of the application: 19.01.2019).

3. Kukalev A.I. et al. Analiz kachestva rek vodnyh ob"ektov Rossii pri izuchenii ehkologii [Analysis of the quality of rivers of water bodies of Russia in the study of ecology] // Materials of the IX International Student Scientific Conference "Student Scientific Forum - 2017". Moscow, 2018. URL: https://scienceforum.ru/2017/article/2017038619 (date of the application: 17.01.2019).

4. Oliferov A.N. Reki i ozyora Kryma [Rivers and Lakes of Crimea] / A.N. Oliferov, Z.V. Timchenko // Simferopol: Share, 2005. 216 p.5. Omelсhuk Yu.A. Gidrologiya [Hydrology] / Yu.A. Omelchuk, G.V. Kucherik, E.V. Zablotskaya // Sevastopol: SevSU, 2018, 152 p.6. Bokov V.A. Transformaciya vodnogo balansa v Krymu v XX veke - nachale XXI veka [Transformation of water balance in the Crimea in the XX century - the beginning of the XXI century]. Simferopol: Crimean Scientific Center, 2011, 227 p.7. Kucher M.I. Ekologiya [Ecology]: studies. manual / ed. prof. E.E. Frenkel. Vol'sk: VVIMO, 2015, 265 p.8. GD 52.24.643-2002 Metodicheskie ukazaniya. Metod kompleksnoj ocenki stepeni zagryaznennosti poverhnostnyh vod po gidrohimicheskim pokazatelyam [Guidelines. The method of comprehensive assessment of the degree of contamination of surface waters by hydrochemical indicators] / Roshydromet. - SPb .: Gidrometeoizdat, 2003, 38 p.9. Pozachenuk E.A. Sovremennye landshafty Kryma i sopredel'nyh akvatorij [Modern landscapes of the Crimea and adjacent waters] // Simferopol: Business-Inform, 2009, 672 p.10. Skhema kompleksnogo ispol'zovaniya i ohrany Vodnyh resursov bassejnov rek na territorii Respubliki Krym [Scheme of integrated use and protection of water resources of river basins in the territory of the Republic of Crimea] // Moscow, 2016, 70 p.11. Skhema kompleksnogo ispol'zovaniya i ohrany Vodnyh resursov bassejnov rek na territorii Respubliki Krym [Explanatory note to the draft standards for permissible impact on water bodies located in the territory of the Republic of Crimea] / State Committee on Water Management and Land Reclamation of the Republic of Crimea // Simferopol, 2017, 101 p.


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