Задание 4 № 51. Пояснение.20. Задание 4 № 51 Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
This text deals with … 1. Eat out. 2. Living It up after Dark. 3. Shop till You Drop. 4. Take a Capital Break. 5. Room at the Top. 6. Going out in London.
A. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to steep yourself in the past, step into the future, learn ab out the living world or enjoy film and theatre. There’s something for everyone in London — art-lovers, culture vultures, thrill-seekers and anyone with a passion for history. The city boasts a wealth of theatres and museums and collections — as much culture as your feet can bear! So even if you have been to the city many times before, there’s something new to view and somewhere different to go in a city full of surprises. B. London’s shops cover the complete spectrum of fashion — from traditional, high-class tailoring, through top designer names, trend-setting street | fashion to retro, antique and period clothes. You can buy yourself wild fashion or exclusive tailoring; the I newest ideas or the most traditional. From the shopper’s point of view London really is ‘Absolutely fabulous, darling!’ London’s 30,000 shops offer the most extraordinary choice, quality and value. Come and enjoy yourself! C. Over 5,800 different restaurants and cuisine from more than 60 different countries await you in Britain’s capital. Come to London and eat your great meal from all the best cuisines all around the world! The experience of eating out in London is reaching new heights, with restaurants opening every week and some of the best-known names in cuisine to work here. D. London comes alive at dark. If New York is the city that never sleeps, London doesn’t doze much either! Night-time London offers a staggering range of things to see and places to go. Time Out, London’s weekly guide to what’s on, will give you all the details you need — under useful headings like classical music, opera, jazz/funk, garage, house. E. Hotels in London very from some of the greatest and most luxurious establishments in the world to bed and breakfasts and humble hostels — with everything in between. About 1,000 hotels of all different price ranges are spread all over the city, with the great concentration in the West End. But if you take advantage of London’s extensive public transport system and stay out of the centre it will be less expensive.
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Пояснение. A — 6: There’s something new to view and somewhere different to go in a city full of surprises. B — 3: From the shopper’s point of view London really is ‘Absolutely fabulous, darling!’ C — 1: The experience of eating out in London is reaching new heights, with restaurants opening every week and some of the best-known names in cuisine to work here. D — 2: London comes alive at dark. E — 5: Hotels in London very from some of the greatest and most luxurious establishments in the world to bed and breakfasts and humble hostels — with everything in between.
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