Exercise I. Употребите глагол, стоящий в скобках в простом прошедшем времени.Переведите предложения. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Практическая работа по теме «Времена группы Simple»
Grammar:Past, Future Indefinite Tense.
Exercise I. Употребите глагол, стоящий в скобках в простом прошедшем времени.Переведите предложения. 1. My friends (to become) students last year. 2. My father (to study) at the agricultural Academy. 3. Yesterday he (to get) a letter from his brother. 4. My elder brother (to marry) two years ago. 5. We (to соmе) to the library an hour ago. 6. I (to meet) my friends in the reading-room. 7. I (to be) in the reading-room at that time too. 8. We (to take) the books and (to begin) to read them.
Exercise II. Заполните пропуски вспомогательными глаголами, образующими будущее неопределенное время: 1. My friend … become a doctor in 2 years. 2. They … go to the theatre next week. 3. We … have an English lesson tomorrow. 4. He … have a good rest in the country. 5. In two years I … speak English well. 6. We … be at the academy at 8 o'clock tomorrow. 7. She … not соmе home in an hour. 8. In a week they … have new text-books.
Exercise III. Откройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени: 1. They (to be) in Moscow last year. 2. I (to be) at home tomorrow. 3. She (to finish) school two years ago. 4. We (to speak, to read) English every day. 5. My sister (to have) much work yesterday. 6. He (to study) at the Асаdemy in 1995. 7. Every day my sister (to go) to the reading room. 8. Last month he (to begin) to work on the farm.
Exercise IV. употребите глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в соответствующей временной форме: 1. Today it (to be) not so cold as it (to be) yesterday. 2. She not (to go) to the library every day. 3. Last year he (to study) English. 4. My brother (to finish) school in 2 years. 5. 0ur lessons (to begin) in 5 minutes. 6. He (to live) in the hostel.