UDC821.111 “A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY” BY L. STERN AS A PRODUCT OF ENGLISH SENTIMENTALISM Kaldybekyzy M. almanshuk85@mail.ru Senior lecturer, M.Auezov SKSU, Shymkent, Kazakhstan Atazhanova L.A 4th year student, Faculty of Philology "5В021000 - Foreign Philology Atazhanova99@mail.ru
Annotation:The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the genre of literature, "Sentimentalism" based on the novel "Sentimental Journey through France and Italy" by Lawrence Stern. The work considers and generalizes such trends in literature as a separate genre of sentimentalism and the current “literary journey” in literature. This scientific article explores and reveals genre specificity, as well as the influence of the genre on English and world literature. The main attention is paid to the novel of the English writer Lawrence Stern "Sentimental Journey through France and Italy", as this author is one of the most prominent representatives of this trend in literature, but the novel itself has a separate and special place in the hearts of readers, being one of the most striking works in this field of literature. Based on the analysis of the "sentimentalism" genre, as well as attracting the work of other writers, scientists and researchers, it is established that this genre is relevant in our days. Key Words: Sentimental Journey, sentimentalism, literature, novel, Stern, romanticism, literature genre, France, Italy, Karamzin.
The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the genre of “sentimentalism” and “literary journey”, relatively young movements in world literature, are still not fully understood, despite the fact that a lot of scientists and researchers have analyzed these directions. And based on this, it follows that this problem has been little studied and requires further research. Based on the work of great writers, researchers, I would like to contribute to the development and research of these genres in English literature. The genre of sentimentalism does not lose its relevance today, due to the prosperity of many modern authors and their works, because beautifully written, romantic and sensual relationships between heroes are always pleasant to read to the reader, as well as reproduce them on TV screens. As in the modern period, and in the 18th century, there are a huge number of good writers in a certain genre, but still the most prominent representatives of their period enter the history, and one of them is Lawrence Stern. Although L. Stern is not considered the founder of the “sentimentalism” genre in literature, since other authors, both before and after the authors of the works, used this writing style in their books, it was he who was able to get the love and attention of readers from all over of the world. Of course, you should not reduce the merits of other authors and their works in this genre, but the novel "Sentimental Journey through France and Italy" is rightfully considered one of the brightest and most recognizable works in its genre around the world. In this work, the features of the origin and further development of such a genre as "sentimentalism", its significance and contribution to literature are clarified. How with the appearance of such a genre the trends in literature changed, what innovations appeared, as well as the stylistic techniques characteristic of this particular genre in literature. The main content of the study is the analysis of the work "Sentimental journey through France and Italy", both in theory and in practice. But first of all we would like to pay special attention to the author himself. Lawrence Stern is one of the most prominent representatives of English literature of the eighteenth century, his books are readable not only in England or in Europe, but also far beyond the borders of this continent. The writer was very educated and versatile, this is evidenced by the fact that he studied Theology in Cambridge, as well as the fact that for a long time he was a pastor in the village, as a priest, he published many sermons, and also took an active part in local political life, but Despite the fact that the author was a pastor, this did not prevent him from having an excellent sense of humor, so you will definitely not get bored while reading his books. The first novel written by the author and brought him great popularity was the work "The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman" (1759-1767). The novelty of his manner of writing aroused general interest and attention, and also brought widespread popularity to the author, and Stern moved to London, became a universal favorite and a new discovery in literature. But nevertheless, at the time of the opening, reading to the audience of L. Stern's work, he attracted attention not as a sermon and humorist, oddly enough, but at first it was somehow little noted by his readers. The author was interested precisely as a representative of the sentimental trend in literature. Mostly noted his humane mood. In his works, the author constantly called for the virtue and sensitivity of his readers, because the author believed that with the help of a simple and calm conversation, many troubles and problems can be avoided. And also qualities such as love and kindness can certainly help to improve the mood of humanity. This humane mood and its soft sympathetic attitude towards people in general and to disadvantaged people in particular was truly understood and highly appreciated by our ancestors, ”concludes V. I. Maslov, who specially studied interest in Stern in Russian literature of the late 18th and early 19th century. In addition to Maslov, many other writers and scholars appreciated in him not only a sense of humor, but primarily the ability to reproduce tender and sensitive feelings among readers, for example, one of the writers who spoke very flattering and beautifully, the great Russian writer, as well as one of the prominent representatives of the sentimentalism genre in Russia N.M. Karamzin. This is what the writer said about his colleague, “Stern is incomparable! At which scientific university did you learn to feel so tenderly? What rhetoric has revealed the secret to you in two words to shake the finest fibers of our hearts? Which musician commands so skillfully with the sounds of strings, how do you command our feelings?” But also, like all famous and great people, there were those who did not share the general enthusiasm of the author and his works. For example, there was a difference in the perception of Stern in England and in other countries. At home, he primarily provoked sharp criticism, but at the same time he was delighted as an eccentric writer, a comedian in the field of genre and style. As the author said before, there were many books in different genres, but nevertheless, the novel “Sentimental Journey through France and Italy” brought huge success and recognition to the author. The success and popularity of books was largely due to the very spirit of the Enlightenment, the opposite of its predecessors of Medieval literature. In the sentimentalism genre, Stern had many predecessors, such as S. Johnson's Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland (1775), D. Addison's Notes on Northern Italy (1705), and many others, but they were all oversaturated different information, and they looked like guides, guides, rather than sensual and sentimental novels. This was the great difference between Stern and his predecessors. The writer had his own refined and individual style of writing, but the unprepared reader could cause uncertainty and elusiveness of the essence of the work. Since the writer in his works deliberately could not follow the logical chain between the chapters of the works, notes of philosophical conclusions and statements also appeared. When analyzing a work, one can find a peculiar genre combination when the author in their books weaves two or more genres in one work. In this case, two such genres intertwined as sentimentalism and literary travel. The literary genre travel is one of the trends in literature, actualized in the 18th century. The genre of travel means essays, descriptions by an eyewitness-traveler of everything that happened to him during a trip. The genre itself was formed under the influence of travel stories of travelers themselves. Mostly the theme of travel was used by sentimentalists and romantic writers. This direction is also complemented by the consideration of other genres and subgenres in the literature. In conclusion, I want to say that the work of Lawrence Stern crowns and completes the development of English sentimentalism and paves the way for romanticism and critical realism of the XIX century. The framework of sentimentalism was close to Stern. His deep interest in the world of feelings is combined with his destructive irony. The venomously satirical laughter comes into conflict with the sentimentalism inherent in sensitivity. With good reason, Stern is called the creator of a sentimental-humorous novel. Stern's laughter echoes Swift's satire. Stern opposes the rationalistic desire to study and portray "the man in general", against abstract reasoning and firmly established rules. Stern does not trust the idea of rationality of the world and man. He doubts everything, analyzes everything. The subject of his analysis, he makes human nature, the object of the image - a complex world of human feelings and emotions. With no less enthusiasm, Stern delves into introspection. The subjective-lyrical principle occupies an important place in his novels. The observations and research of Stern ultimately lead to the thought of the unreasonableness and vulgarity of bourgeois being.
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