Progress Test 107 (95-106)Test 96 11. If (-, a, the) weather (get) (bad), the coast guard (can't, might, need) issue a warning to all ships. 2.1 (not, go) on holiday this year. - Neither ... . 3. The ticket inspector made him (get off) the bus because he (not, buy) a ticket. 4. Our planet (get) (hot and hot) because of global warming. 5. It was Alexander Graham Bell (who, which) (invent) (a, the, -) telephone. 6. I prefer to wear clothes which (make) from natural fibres. 7. All the newspapers (deliver) by 9 o'clock. I hope my article (publish) in today's paper. 8. Unless I have a quiet room, I (not, be able) to do any work. 9. We (mustn't, can't, needn't) go shopping this week. We've got (many, plenty, little) of food. 10. (Shall, will, should) I help you (with, in, at) washing-up? -No, I (can, may, be to) manage (by, -, with) it myself. 11. Could I see the manager, please? - Yes, you (may, could, shall). 12. (Sudden) she heard her name again. She turned to see her brother smiling (cheerful, cheerfully). "Nick!" gasped Julia. "You (near, nearly) frightened me to death!" 13. My friend found it (hard, hardly) to get used to (live, living) in a foreign country. 14. Peter has got ... cold, so he has to stay in ... bed. (a/an, the, -) 15. Millions of people were killed in ... World War II. (a/an, the, -) 16. We went to ... Bath by ... plane and lost our luggage at ... airport, (a/an, the, -) 17. I prefer travelling (by, on, on) train (at, for, to) driving. It's much (pleasant). 18. Let's invite him to our party, ... ? 19.1 don't feel well today. I am ill, ... ? 20. If you have (any, some, a little) problems, you can discuss them with your teacher. 21.1 have got three pairs of shoes, none of which (be) black. 22. Although they (be) to Spain twice this year, they are going (again, also, too) next month. 23. By the time she (finish) doing her homework, it was dark outside. 24. My grandparents (live) in the same neighbourhood for fifty years. They (not, want) to change (anything, nothing, something). 25. Wearing jeans in the office (not, allow) and nobody (want) to change this rule. 26. Soho (pack) with continental food shops and restaurants. 27. Most recently there (be) a lot of Chinese (from, out of, off) Hong Kong in Soho. 28. (These, this) trousers (be) very old. I want (a, the, -) new pair of jeans. 29. Helen (buy) an expensive jacket this week and now she (not, have) enough money for the rest of the week. She (shouldn't, couldn't, mustn't) have bought such an expensive thing. 30. I can't repair the roof. I (can) repair it if I (have) a long ladder. Test 97 1. As soon as he (enter) the room, he realized what (go) on. 2. The children (pick) the flowers for two hours before they realized what the time (be). 3. You can borrow my car suppose you (put) in (some, any, a few) petrol before you (bring) it back. 4. You won't get a visa (if, when, unless) you (have) your passport with you. 5. Soho, once considered one of (dirty) and (dangerous) parts of London, (clean up) in early 1980s. 6. Today, with its gurgling cappuccino machines and pavement cafes, Soho (become) a meeting place (for, of, between) all kinds of people from all over the world, whatever the hour of day or night. 7. Wales officially (link) to England in 1536 by the Act of Union. By 1970 only 25% of the population could speak Welsh, and in an effort to raise that proportion, education (make) bilingual. 8. (Tell, say) him to wait if he (come) earlier. 9. (not, forget) that you (be to, must, can) report to the manager as soon as you (reach) Manchester. 10. Somebody (rob) our flat today. You (could, had to, ought to) have locked the door when you (go out) in the morning. 11. "You (should, might, could) obey (a, the, -) law otherwise you (have) problems in your life, my boy", my father (used to, was used to) say. 12. Lucy (wait) (hopeful, hopefully) all morning for the postman to arrive but he didn't. 13. Let's hope there won't be any (further, farther) delays, ... . 14. Have you got any musical instruments at home? - Yes. We've bought ... piano. Our daughter goes to ... music school and is learning to play ... piano, (a, the, —) 15. ... Atlantic Ocean and ... warm waters of ... Gulf Stream influence ... weather of ... British Isles, (a, the, —) 16. I've bought ... shirt and ... pair of trousers. ... shirt is white and ... trousers (be) blue, (a, the, -) 17. (not, try) and do two things together. Concentrate (on, at, for) one thing (at, on, for) a time. 18. Where we (have) to sit? - You can sit (anywhere, somewhere, everywhere). It doesn't matter. 19. Would you like (something, anything, nothing) to eat? -Two (teas, tea), please. 20. We haven't got ... bread. - You'd better go to the shop, then. We need ... tomatoes too. (some, any) 21. By the end of this year he (lecture) at this college (for, since, during) ten years. 22. Let me know as soon as you (make) your decision, ...? 23. Look at the clouds. It (rain). - Don't bother. I already (take) my umbrella. 24. Don't worry. By Friday afternoon, Diane (prepare) all the dishes for the dinner party. 25. During the 1960s and 1970s, laws (pass) in Great Britain under which using open coal fires in homes in the city area (forbid). 26. Hadrian's wall, the greatest monument of (the, a, -) Roman occupation of Britain, (build) to act as a defence against the Celts from Scotland. 27. King Alfred (849 - 899) (know) as "Alfred the Great". He was (the, an, -) only monarch in English history who (give) this title. 28. Mike (told, said) me that he (couldn't, mustn't, mightn't) (tell, say, ask) one twin from (other, another, the other) as they were identical. 29. If you don't understand (something, anything, nothing), you (must, may, should) ask your teacher to help you with your studies. 30. I (be) very grateful if you kindly (sign) this document and let me have it back as soon as possible. Test 98 1. This time next month we (travel) around Africa, and we (return) home by the end of August. 2. Tina (buy) gifts for all her relatives before she (leave) (for, at, to) England. Yesterday she (come) to us to say goodbye. 3. More and more people (develop) health problems because of (-, a, the) air pollution. 4. When the train from Brussels (arrive)? - It (arrive) in 10 minutes at (-, a, the) Platform 7. 5. In 1301 after (defeat/defeating) the native Prince of Wales, King Edward I of England (name) his son "Prince of Wales". Since then (old) son of the king or queen of England traditionally (give) this title. 6. In 1536 Wales (bring) (into, in, to) the English system of national and local government by an Act of Union. 7. ... Welsh language is still very much a living force and (teach) side by side with ... English in schools of Wales, (a, the, -) 8. You asked John to fix you car, ...? - Yes, his advice (was, were) that I take it to the garage. 9. ...Young people (should, have to, can) respect ... elderly. ... life is often difficult for ... old people, (a, the, -) 10. After many attempts Terry (be able to, could, might) climb (to, at, by) the top of the mountain. 11. He (drive) a car (well, good) now, but two years ago he (could, might, must) ride only the bicycle. 12. Mrs Smith feels (bad, badly) today. She's by far (beautiful) woman I ever (see). 13. Was it a good party? - Yes, I (leave) far (late) I (intend) to. 14. ... name ... Soho is derived from ... hunting call, "So-ho", that ... huntsmen were heard to cry as they chased ... deer in ... royal parks, (a, the, -) 15. — Piccadilly Circus is like ... magnet for ... young people from all over ... world, (a, the, -) 16 - young people like to sit on ... steps under ... statue of Eros, celebrating ... freedom and friendship of ...youth, (a, the, -) 17. Many people think the increase (in, at, of) violent crime is because (of, at, -) television. 18.1 don't mind what we do today. We (can, may, are to) do (something, anything) you want. 19. Let's go (somewhere, anywhere) tonight, ...? - Thanks, but I don't want to go (somewhere, anywhere, someone) tonight. 20. It's (your, yours) birthday party, you can invite (anyone, someone, somebody) you like. 21. You (visit) (-, a, the) Disneyland when you were in Paris? -No, unfortunately it was too far from where we (stay). 22. Linda (give up) her work, so she (can, must, may) look after her children herself. 23. Someone (give away) the secret plans of the company and the boss is very angry. 24. Now this shop (give out) free gifts to anyone who (spend) more than £30. 25. The subjection of (a, the, -) Welsh (complete) by Edward I who (make) his son, afterwards Edward II, the first Prince of Wales. 26. Westminster Abbey is the church where nearly all the kings and queens (crown) and where many of them (bury). 27. Sir Christopher Wren, the great architect of St. Paul's Cathedral (die) in 1723, aged 91, and (bury) in (a, the, -) building which his genius and toil (create). 28.1 won't open the door unless I (know) who it is. 29. I (have) a sleepless night. - You (shouldn't, couldn't, might) have stayed up so late last night. 30. If the earth suddenly (stop) spinning, we all (fly) off it. Test 99 1. Tom, (you, finish) reading the newspaper yet? - No, I still (read) it. 2. At noon yesterday, the staff (have) their monthly meeting. 3. The teacher (give) the students a test when the principle (come) into the classroom. 4. Dad (close) the windows, (set) the alarm, and (leave) the house. The children (sleep) already. 5. ... Nelson Column (erect) in 1842 in ... Trafalgar Square in commemoration of Admiral Nelson, who (win) a triumphant naval victory, but (kill) in the battle. 6. To commemorate Admiral Nelson's Victory in (a, the, -) great naval battle at Trafalgar, (a, the, -) Trafalgar Square (construct) in London. 7. In 1066 an invading army of the Normans (win) the victory at the battle of Hastings; as a result of that single battle, William, Duke of Normandy, (crown) king of England and (become) known in the popular history as William the Conqueror. 8. My teacher told me I (might, had to, needed) stay after school as (the, a, -) punishment for talking in class. 9. (Need, can, ought) I borrow your pen? (My, mine) doesn't work. 10. I (must, mustn't, may) go to (a, the, -) bank. I haven't got (some, any, little) money. 11. What time (mustn't, will, shall) I pick you up from (a, the, -) work? - (At, in, about) 7 sharp. 12. Have you heard Jane's playing (the, a, -) piano (late, lately)? - Yes, but he (not, seem) to be getting (good). 13.1 like living in the country. It's a lot (peaceful) than the city. 14. ... Louvre has a large number of famous works, such as ... Mona Lisa and ... Venus de Milo. (a, the, -) 15. (A, the, -) pyramids in Egypt (build) to be tombs for (a, the, -) pharaohs. 16. In ... New York you could visit ... Central park, ... Empire State Building and ... Times Square and see ... show on ... Broadway, (a, the, -) 17. He's late again. It's typical (of, for, about) him to keep everybody waiting. 18. Be careful, there (be) too (many, much, a lot of) cars in (this, these) cities. 19. (Many, much, a little) students have financial problems, ... ? 20. (Few, little, a lot of) customers (come) into the shop today. It (be) quite all day long. 21. A young woman (sit) on (a, the, -) park bench while the children (play) nearby. 22. The boy went to (a, the, -) bed early because he (play) football all day. 23. Peter decided that he (not, leave) for work until he (shovel) the snow from the drive. 24. The lawnmower (break down) while my father (mow) the lawn. 25. For many thousands of years stories (pass) from (a, the, ) generation to generation orally, either in words or in songs. 26. (A, the, —) new chairman of the company (announce) in a week. The candidates (discuss) now. 27. She (expect) to arrive (to, in, at) London at 3 o'clock to morrow afternoon. 28. You just (clean) the stairs? - Yes, so be careful. (It, they) (be) very slippery. 29. You put that shirt in the washing machine. - I know. It ... be dry-cleaned, (mustn't, couldn't, have to) 30. A university degree is a useful thing. If I (have) a univer sity degree, I (sit) in a comfortable office now instead of standing at a street corner selling newspapers. Test 100 1. The committee (discuss) the problem for two hours before they finally (come) to a decision. 2. Where are the children? - They (decorate) the Christmas tree as it (be) Christmas Eve today. 3. The parade already (start) by the time we (arrive). We (delay) by the traffic. 4. The team and their fans (celebrate) because they (win) the game. 5. John couldn't (involve) in the robbery. He was with me that evening. 6. Watching TV often (considered) a waste of time. On (a, the, -) other hand, TV is great company for those who live alone. 7. Neither Ann nor her friends (attend) today's meeting. Everybody is busy, ... ? 8. I'll tell you something, if you (promise) not to tell it to (anyone, someone, no one) else. 9. Look! The Greens (bring) us (a, the, -) bottle of wine (for, to at) our anniversary. - They (needn't, couldn't, might not) have done that, but it's very kind of (they, them). 10. You (mustn't, oughtn't, needn't) clean the floor today. -Oh, you (do) it already? 11. Your blue trousers (be) in the washing machine. - Oh, no! You (shouldn't, mustn't, can't) have done that. (It, they) (have) to be dry-cleaned. 12. This jacket was by far (expensive) in the shop, but it wasn't as (expensive) as (your, yours). 13. (A, the, -) Park Hotel is (little) expensive than (a, the, -) Plaza. 14. ... London manages in ... unique way to reflect ... past and, at ... same time, to live ... life of ... modern city, (a, the, -) 15.1 have got ... car and ... motorcycle. ... car is second-hand and ... motorcycle is brand new.(a, the, -) 16. Do you know where ... tea comes from? - From ... India.(a, the, -) 17.1 (try) to learn Spanish but I'm not very satisfied (at, on, with) my progress. 18. Our runners haven't won ... medals, have they? - No, not as ... as last time. But there's plenty of time. There are still ... events to come. I'd like to go and see some of the track events, but I haven't got... time at the moment, (a lot of, much, many) 19. The snow was quite deep. There seemed (a few, few, a little, little) hope of completing our journey. 20.1 wanted some cake, but there was (none, no) left. 21. We (travel) for five hours before we (reach) our destination. Everyone (be) very tired. 22. My brother (go) to a book exhibition yesterday and (buy) an interesting book on antiques. He (be) there many times before. 23. They (make) sandwiches for the picnic when I (phone) to tell them that we were going to be late. 24. How long Mrs.Conrad (give) cooking lessons by the year 2010? 25. Look (at, for, through) that dolphin! It (jump) through those hoops. 26. If he (go) on telling lies, nobody (believe) a world he says. 27. They said that they (leave) early (the, a, -) next morning. 28. If you (call) me yesterday, I would have been able to meet you for lunch today. 29. (Shall, will,would) I pour you a glass of orange juice? -Yes, please and (could, may, shall) you put (some, any) ice in it, too? 30. If only we (have) a light! It's depressing waiting in darkness. Test 101 1. When the boy (realize) he (lose) his way he (start) to panic. 2. She (not, be) in a hurry that Monday morning because she (take) the day off. 3. How long you (live) in Sydney before you (move) back to London? 4. We (attend) our first lecture at the university at this time next Monday. 5. The pubs in London (restore) to their original Victorian beauty. 6. I've got two pounds and want to buy a CD. - Two pounds (is, are) not enough to buy a CD. 7. If I (be) you, I (get) a mobile phone. 8. I was worried as I (be) late because of the traffic. 9. (Would, shall, will) we go for a walk this afternoon? a) Yes, we would. b) Why not. It's a lovely day. 10. I'm sure the book is in your desk. It (must, can, may) be there. 11. Our new car is twice as (expensive) as (their, theirs), but it is far (cheap) than (your, yours) car. 12. Tom is (a, the, —) wonderful artist. No one else can paint (like, as) him. 13. What Mark (do) for a living? - He works (as, like) a hotel manager. 14. We have got ... dog now. It's ... German Shepherd. Some years ago we had ... cat. It was ... Siamese, (a, the, —) 15. Such English names as ... Ordeon, ... Hilton, ... Plaza, ... British Museum, ... Tate Gallery, ... Titanic, ... Times are known to many people all over ... world, (a, the, -) 16. Mark lived in ... London, in ... Oxford Street some years ago. He speaks ... English fluently, (a, the, -) 17. I felt sorry (about, on, for) the children when we went (on, to, in) holiday as it rained every day. 18. I'd like to know the truth. Tell me (everything, all). Tell me (all, everything) you know, please. 19. (The most, most) people would like to earn (much, many, lot) money to live without (some, any, no) problems. 20. I'm afraid, we've (no, none, neither) money to buy this picture. - You are right. We haven't got (some, any, no) money to buy (it, its, it's). 21. We (live) in Cardiff for ten years when the company that Bill (work) for (offer) him a position at the London office. 22. Where you (be) yesterday afternoon? I (call) you all afternoon but there (be) no answer. 23. London (change) a lot recently. First of all, the historic sites (clean) and restored, making the city look as if it (revitalize). 24. I (blame) for it before I even (have) a chance to defend (myself, oneself, ours). 25. The refugees (prevent) from entering the country. It's a serious problem now. 26. The first goal (score) by our team, but unfortunately they (lose) the game. 27. If you (put) on the kettle, I (make) the tea, but now I have no time to do it. 28. The police informed him that he (be) under arrest, adding that he (can, must, may) remain silent but (something, anything, nothing) he said (take down) and used against him. 29. The doctor suggested I (see) a counselor, and he added that a counselor (could, must, may) help me get over my difficulties. 30. Your notes are almost illegible. If you (type) them, they (be) a lot easier to read. Test 102 1. The spectators so (move) at the end of the film that everyone in the cinema (cry). 2. People often ignore the fact that air pollution (must, can, could, might) cause so many health problems. 3. The children spent all their money on computer games, so they (be to, have to, must, could) walk all the way back. 4. You (must, can, might) wear a life jacket when you go canoeing. 5. ... Young are usually impatient, but they should be more tolerant to ... old people, (a, the, -) 6. What musical instrument can you play? - I'm learning to play (a/an, the, —) violin. 7. ... Tango is not very popular with ... young people nowadays, (a, the, -) 8. My father usually travels by ... bus to ... work, (a, the, -) 9. We prefer to stay at (a/an, the, -) Ritz whenever we are in London. 10. When you arrive (in, to, at, for) England, you will be impressed (by, with, at) everything you will see there. 11. The teacher was pleased (at, with, to, by) the exam results. 12. The doctor warned me (of, in, about, with) the danger of eating too much fat food. 13. Lots of people care (for, about, in, of) elderly relatives. 14. We congratulated her (on, in, with, about) her success in her final exams. 15. Every day there is news of (another, the other, other, others) war breaking out somewhere in the world. 16. Can war actions ever be justified under (some, any, every, none) circumstances? 17. (Each, another, all, every) time I hear that music, it reminds me of you. 18. The exam was very difficult. Nobody passed it, ...? 19. The situation is uncertain. (Nothing, anything, some, any) could happen. 20. I wanted to know if the prices (rise) again by the end of the year. 21. The secretary didn't know when the president (take) the final decision on this issue. 22. I'd like to know if the river will not begin to rise until some rain (fall). 23. We asked the manager if they (settle) the price problem by the end of the month. 24. He promised that he (phone) us as soon as he (arrive) home. 25. None of them knew when the results (announce). Everybody (wait) for it. 26. Where St. Paul's Cathedral (be situated)1! - In the ... . 27. The ... party is a ruling party in Great Britain nowadays. 28. Try and (do) it right this time. - O.K. It's easy, as you (right, rightly) say. 29. My father is five years (old) than my mother but he looks (young) his age. 30. Why don't you get a cat? If you (keep) a cat, the mice (not, run) everywhere. Test 103 1. Soho (use) to be considered one of (dirty) and (dangerous) places in London, but it (clean up) in (-, a, the) early 1980s. 2. Today Soho is one of (lively) and (bohemian) areas of London, with cafes (which, what, that) stay open (-, a, the) day and night. 3. Alexander Gustave Eiffel (design) (-, a, the) Eiffel Tower which is situated in the centre of Paris. 4. I'm sorry but all the tickets (sell) for this performance. 5. The survivors (pick) out of the water by a cruise liner, which (hear) their distress call. 6. The classroom was empty when I came in. The class (was, were) all on a school outing. 7. Mr. Derec asked his assistant if he (read) the reports and added that he (want) to go through them himself. 8. The teacher explained that the Moon (go) round the Earth, but one of the pupils didn't believe that the Moon (be) flat and asked at what temperature water (boil) there. 9. I'm sure Robert realized how wrong he (be). He (must, can, may) have realized everything. 10. It's possible that they (sell) (their, there) house soon. I (may, can, must) see it as soon as possible. 11. New York City is one of (large) and densely populated (cities, city) in the world. 12. David is (good) player of all. He (play) (good) than anyone else. 13.1 never (know) such an independent young woman. She's (independent) woman I've ever met. 14. We have holidays twice ... year. I like to spend my holiday travelling. My car can go 200 km ... hour. Last year I spent ... month cruising down ... Nile, (a, the, -) 15. ... French , ... Scottish and ... Japanese are very friendly as well as ... Americans and ... Greeks, (a, the, -) 16. Have you lived in ... same city and in ... same street all your life? - Oh, no. I've lived in ... State Street only for ... year, but before it I lived in ... High Street, (a, the, -) 17. The train is late but nobody (know) the reason (for, of, about) the delay. 18. I should ban cars. (All, no, none) cars pollute the air, don't ... ? - Well, except electric (one, ones), I suppose. 19. What kind of fruit (should, can, must) I eat to stay healthy? - I don't think it matters. (All, more, many) fruit (be) good for you. 20. I knew there (be) a power cut because it was so dark everywhere. - Yes, (some, all) the lights in (our, ours) street went cut. 21. What (happen) alongside the river Thames of late? - The old warehouses (transform) into galleries, shops and clubs. 22. How Soho (change)? - It (clean), there are pavement cafes, so it (become) a meeting place. 23. One Sunday afternoon Tim and his (old) sister (sit) at home watching TV. Their parents (go out) for the day. 24. He didn't remember that he (order) to appear before the judge. 25. May Week at Cambridge University (celebrate) neither in May nor a week. 26. If you (not, come) late, they (let) you in and you (have) a good rest. ' 27. The police inspector asked me where I (be) the night before, at the time of the burglary. 28. The manager asked his secretary if he (be) using the computer to find the secret code. 29. It wasn't necessary for her to come so early, but she did. She (needn't, mustn't, can't) have come so early. 30. It's a pity he never patented his invention.If he (patent) it, he (make) a lot of money. Test 104 1. No sooner Pamela (disappear up) the stairs than a horrible-looking man (come) into the room. 2. As soon as the children (hear) (these, this) news, a neigl-bour's dog (start) barking, and after a few minutes they (hear) their back door open. 3. I (be) absorbed in the story when suddenly I began to feel that someone (watch) me. 4. At (a, the, -) Cambridge University May boat races, music and drama concerts, picnics, and the May Balls, everything as far as possible (hold) in the open air-parties. 5. There are many schools in Britain which (not, control) financially by the state. 6. My office is three miles from my house. Three miles (is, are) a long way to walk to work. 7. The granddaughter asked her grandma how the prince (wake up) Sleeping Beauty. 8. I asked my brother if he really (decide) to sail from Spain to Australia all alone. 9. I advise you to have your car (service). You (should, must, can) have you car serviced as soon as possible. 10. I'm certain Bill didn't reveal your secret. He (can't, mustn't, may not) have revealed it. 11. Mr. Johnson (regard) (as, like, so) a very successful lawyer. 12. Thank you for the information. - No problem. If you want (any, some) (far) information, just ask. 13.1 (hard, hardly) (finish) cooking when the guests arrived. 14. 0. Henry, (whose, which) real name was William Sydney Porter, was (an, the, -) American short-story writer. 15. ... President is considered to be ... most respected person in ... country, (a, the, -) 16. ... English is the major language throughout ...United Kingdom, although some people speak ... Welsh as their sole language, and only some hundreds speak ... Gaelic, (a, the, -) 17. The police (believe) that there is no connection (between, among) the two crimes. 18. The store has two lifts, and both (be) out of order, (neither, none, either) (be) working. 19. I'm going to the bank to get (some, much, little)money. I have to be back at the office in (few, a few, a little) minutes. 20. One shouldn't always believe what (one, you) (read) in the newspapers. 21. We (receive) no correspondence from David since he (move) away. 22. Some people value their independence (high, highly) and so they enjoy (live, living) alone. 23. It is (hard, hardly) to tell (-, a, the) difference between the twins, as they are identical. 24. The price of petrol (go) up again; the cost of running a car (increase). 25. The awards which (know) as Oscars, (consider) to be (high) honour anyone in the film industry can (give). 26. You (read) the newspaper this morning? - No. It (not, deliver) by the time I left for work. 27. You (know) your exam results yet? - No. They (not, announce) yet. 28. If you leave your car unlocked, someone (steal) it. 29. People (must, can, should) treat all living creatures with kindness and respect. 30. Why did you throw away those newspapers? - I'm sorry. If I (know) you were still reading them, I (not, throw) them away. Test 105 1. I (wait) for the number 5 when I noticed an old lady who (start) to cross the road in front of me. 2. Eating sugar in the morning (improve) memory and concentration. 3. Tea (help) to protect people against heart disease because it (contain) tannin and flavanoids. 4. The doors of Oxford and Cambridge, (good) English Universities (open) to the public school-leavers. 5. Eton College, (large) of the ancient English public schools, (found) in 1440 as a collegiate church with a school attached. 6. We'll be late for the train if we go (on, by, in) foot. Let's take a taxi, ...? 7. The girl asked her grandfather if he (agree) that he (be) the best detective she ever (meet). 8. He said he (can't, mustn't, wouldn't be able to) come to help us the following week. 9. It's forbidden to go near the launch pad. You (mustn't, can't, won't) go near it. 10. It's five o'clock. They (ought to, mustn't, need) be here by now. 11. The mountain was so (high, highly) that they (shouldn't, couldn't, might) climb it. 12. The question was (too, so) difficult for me to answer. 13. There are (few) public holidays in Great Britain than in (other, another, the other) European countries. 14. 0. Henry's first story (publish) in 1899 when the writer was in ... prison on ... false charge of stealing ... money from a bank, (a, the, -) 15. By 1981 only 19% of ... Welsh population spoke ... Welsh, even though ... Welsh language (use) for many radio and television programmes and in schools to promote ... Welsh culture and ... language itself, (a, the, -) 16. My grandmother has been taken to ... hospital. She 's got ... pneumonia. I'm going to ... hospital to visit her tomorrow, (a, the, -) 17. Did you pay (by, in, on) check or (by, in, on) cash? - I did it (by, with, in) credit card. 18. Did someone ring? - (It, he, she) was Vicky. She (call) just to say she (arrive) safely. 19. What's (a, the, -) weather like today? - It is much (warm) today than it was yesterday. 20. There's a woman at the door. - Oh, (it's, she's) my aunt Joan. 21. Something (happen). This is the first time he (be) late. 22. It's the only time I ever really (get angry) with him. 23. (Since, for) I've known him, he (wear) the same sweater. 24. The streets of London in 1665 were empty, shops (close) and every house in which there were sick people (shut up) and no one (allow) to go in or out, and the doors of such houses (mark) with a red cross. 25. At night the Great Fire of London could (see) ten miles away. 26. My niece has got mumps. - Oh, dear. Mumps (be) quite a serious illness. 27. She said he (have) to leave until the day after. 28. The man insisted he (not, know) that thing (steal). 29. Perhaps he took the train to work this morning. - Yes, he (might, can, must) have done it. 30. The job is much worse than I expected. If I (realise) how awful it was going to be, I (not, accept) it. Test 106 1. They (repair) the road for months, but all work (finish) some days ago. 2. When I was at (a, the, —) university, I (would, will) work all night. 3. I (used to) be much (slim) when I was younger. 4. A person standing at the entrance of the Whispering Gallery can hear (clearly, clear) what (say) on the opposite side, 107 feet away. 5. The first Mayor of London (elect) in 1193. 6. If the lift still (not, work), we (have to, must, could) use the stairs. 7. The woman claimed she (see) never that man before. 8. The boy promised his mother that he never (do) such (a, the, -) thing again. 9. English children (must, can, may) go to school when they are five, first to infant schools, which they leave at the age of seven. 10. No one (can, must, may) prove from history that such (a, the, -) man as Robin Hood really lived; all that we know about him (come) from ballads. 11. (Old) he gets, (friendly) he becomes. 12. I was (tall) than my sister when we (be) young, but now she's (tall) than me. 13. Airline passengers (might not, couldn't, are not allowed to) use mobile phones during the flight. 14. ... Government sits on one side of ... room with ... Opposition on ... other, (a, the, -) 15. In ... north-west corner of the Palace stands ... Clock Tower with its famous bell called ... Big Ben, after Sir Benjamin Hall who supervised ... rebuilding of ... Parliament, (a, the, -) 16. Where is ... London Airport? - Oh, you should know that there are three airports in London: ... Heathrow Airport, ... Gatwick Airport and ... Luton airport. You can get there by ... bus from the air terminal in the centre of the city, (a, the, —) 17. The train was travelling (at, with, on) a speed of 120 miles an hour. - 18. ... was wet, and ... was a cold east wind. ... were few people in the streets, (it, there) 19. When the policeman came in, the gunman shot (him, himself). Now the policeman is in (a, the, -) hospital. 20. Ann made a sandwich and (had to, must, could) force (hers, herself) to eat it. 21. The Great Fire of London in the summer of 1666 (burn) for five days and (destroy) the greater part of the city. 22. In recent years riding (become) a sport for (each, everybody). 23. Historical and geographical circumstances (turn) London into one of the world's most important commercial and cultural centres. 24. In 1968 (the, -) British Army (send) to Northern Ireland after disturbances between Protestants and Catholics. 25. Everything in Great Britain officially (do) in the name of the Queen, but, in reality the Prime Minister is responsible (for, at, with) the policy (conduct) by (a, the, -) Parliament. 26. Jane looks (nice, nicely) today, doesn't she? - Yes. Her clothes (be) very smart. 27. Tom asked if he (can) have a word with me, explaining that it (be) about my case. 28. He apologized to the court for having caused the accident and said that he never (mean) to hurt (someone, anyone, nobody). 29. When Mark Twain was twelve, his father (die), and (a, the, -) boy (must, have to, can) earn a living for (him, his, himself). 30. Why didn't you say that you were short of money? If I (know), I (lend) you some.
Progress Test 107 (95-106) Use the proper form. A Famous Clock When you (1) ... (visit) London, one of the first (2)...(thing) you will see is (3) ... (Big Ben), (4) (a, the, -) famous clock which can (5) ... (hear) all over the world on the B.B.C. If the Houses of Parliament (6) ... (not to burn down) in 1834, the great clock would never have been erec ted. Big Ben (7) ... (take) its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament (8) ...(build). Since that time officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock (9) ...(check) twice a day. On the B. B. C. you can hear the clock when it (10) ... (strike) because microphones (11) ... (connect) to the clock tower. Once, however, it (12) ... (fail) to give the correct time. (13) (A, the, -) painter who (14) ... (work) on the tower (15) ...(hang) a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down. 1._________ 6._________ 11._________ 2._________ 7._________ 12._________ 3._________ 8._________ 13._________ 4._________9._________ 14._________ 5._________ 10._________ 15._________ 16. What (shall, should) we do tonight? - We (could, will) go out, I think. 17. My brother (decide) to open his own restaurant, so he (have) (a, the, —) meeting with his bank manager tomorrow and he (want) to ask him for (a, the, —) loan. 18. I'm tired. I (work) very hard (so far, just, lately). 19. Do you know how long she (work) there before she retired? - She still (work) there. 20. Most ballads (base) on facts. They say that Robin Hood lived in the forest as (a/an, the) outlaw. He robbed only (a, the, -) rich people and helped (a, the, -) poor. 21. Ann told me she (work) hard in the lab the previous day. 22. There (be) too much traffic on the roads today. - Yes, the traffic (be) murderous in big cities nowadays. 23. Money spent on the brain (be) never spent in vain. 24. Three (beers/beer), please. - Oh, not for me. I've had two (beers/beer) today. 25. I (use) to love cooking but I never get the time nowadays. 26. Everything (be) still and peaceful in London's parks and you (could, may, must) hardly imagine that an enormous city with its traffic and noise is but a few paces away. 27. (Most/the most) children like this game. This is (popu lar) game for most children. 28. The journey (to, for, in) Paris took much (long) before they built the Channel Tunnel. 29. Britain's ... art, ... culture and ... literature flowered during ... Elizabethan age, ... reign of Elizabeth I; it was ... period of English domination of the oceans, (a, the, -) 30. ... North Pole and ... South Pole, two of the most inaccessible points on ... earth attracted explorers for many years, (a, the, -) 31. (A, the, -) North Pole (conquer) in 1909 by (a, the, -) American engineer named Robert Peary, who had given twenty-three years of his life to Arctic exploration. 32. (There, it) must be (a, the, -) solution of the problem. 33. Helen said that if the fog (get) any (thick), the plane might make an emergency landing at London airport. 34. We (must, can, may) send a telegram to congratulate them (for, with, on) their silver wedding which (take place) (during, through, in) a week. 35. The plane which originally headed (in, on, for) Birmingham (must, could, have to) make an emergency landing at Luton airport. 36. The advantage (of, in, over) computers (be) that they (can, must, may) process information (quick, quickly). 37. He's got (a, the, -) headache. He (work) (on, at, with) the computer all morning. 38. My friend is looking forward to (visit) a lot of (exciting, excited) places. 39. It (take) Christopher Wren thirty-five years to build St. Paul's Cathedral. 40. Everyone knows what they have to do, ... ? 41. Where your sisters-in-law (work) ? 42. How many (time, times) did Rick phone? - Sorry, but I haven't got (time, times) to listen to his calls. 43. You (shouldn't, mustn't, can't) eat too much (chocolate, chocolates). 44. He never works overtime. If he (work) overtime, he (earn) as much as I do. 45. Bill was upset. If he (not, spend) so much time on the first question, he (have) enough time to do the others properly. Add the correct prefixes or suffixes to the words given at the end of each sentence and fill in the blanks. 46. He's going to an_______conference about the environment, (national) 47. His father wanted himto be a lawyer and_____the boy from studying music, (courage) 48. Ann managed to finish the race_______. (success) 49. She is old enough to make her one_______. (decide) 50. The art of_____requires the use of garlic, (cook) 51. Read the text and do the exercises given below. Adopt or Die? As history shows, monarchies need to continuously reform themselves, if they want to survive. Arguments about the Monarchy are as old as the institution itself. But this summer, critics who have been calling for reform were taken by surprise. According to the Political Editor of the Sun newspaper, Trevor Kavanagh, it is the Queen who has recognized the need for change. "She set up the committee four years ago," he said. "They meet every six months, and she, at the age of 70, looks into the future and understands that the Royal Family has to change taking into account the changing times". Buckingham Palace has not revealed all the details about the committee's discussions, but it is clear that the Queen is considering changing some of the Monarchy's more ancient rules. One proposal is to end the law, which foresees that the title of Monarch passes to sons rather than daughters. The present Queen only inherited the title because there were no male heirs. The ban on heirs to the throne marring Roman Catholics has also come under scrutiny. Under the present law, which is 295 years old, a Royal cannot be crowned if he or she is married to a Catholic. But big changes are not expected soon. It is clear that these meetings are part of an evolutionary, not revolutionary process of change and reform. The British Monarchy has, throughout history, been very good at adapting to circumstances. It has survived wars, political and social changes, and ups and downs in its popularity. a) Mark the statements which are True. 1. For centuries there have been arguments about the Monarchy in Britain. □ 2. The British Queen has never taken into account the changing times. □ 3. In Britain the title of Monarch has always been passed to the oldest child in the Royal family. □ 4. Big changes in ancient rules are expected to take place in Britain soon. □ 5. As history shows the British Monarchy has been very good at adopting to circumstances. □ b) Write down your answers to the following questions. 1. Why do monarchies need to reform themselves? 2. Has the Queen recognized the need for change? 3. What was reported by the Political Editor of the Sun newspaper? 4. What rules (laws) is the Queen considering changing? 5. Are big changes expected soon? 6. The British Monarchy has been very good at adapting to circumstances, hasn't it? c) Ask five questions on the text. 52. Make up your sentences using the following words and word combinations on the topic Ecological Problems. 1. live in harmony 6. global warming 2. contradiction 7. acid rains 3. poison 8. interference in nature 4. pollute / pollution 9. preserve / preservation 5. harmful substances