ANSWERS: A-2, B-7, C-5, D-4, E-1, F-6ANSWERS: A-2, B-7, C-5, D-4, E-1, F-6 The heraldic beasts were restored at the beginning of the twentieth century but were derived from originals made in 1536/7for King Henry VIII and his third wife Jane Seymour and are known as the "King's Beasts". In the autumn of 1952 the Minister of Works, in preparation for the coronation some months ahead, called upon the Royal Academician and sculptor James Woodford, OBE, to create ten new beasts but more appropriate to the young Queen. Exact replicas of those at Hampton Court would have been unsuitable for the occasion, for some of them would have little connection with Her Majesty's own family or ancestry. Although the Queen is descended (via female lines) from King Henry VII (the father of King Henry VIII), she is not descended from Jane Seymour whose only son King Edward VI died unmarried. The first beast in the line was The Lion of England. It supports a shield showing the Arms of the United Kingdom as they have been since Queen Victoria's accession in 1837. The Lion of England is the first creature to appear on the Royal Mint’s commemorative “Queen’s Beasts” range in November 2016.