Variant 12Variant 12 TEST 1. What is the dependence between length of a wave of electromagnetic radiation and its frequency? А. Direct B. Reverse С. No dependence D.Middle E. Low
Test 2.The human ear can hear sounds: A.from 20 to 20000 Hz B. from 10 to 10000 Hz C. from 20 to 30000 Hz D. from 20 to 5000 Hz E. from 10 to 40000 Hz
Test 3. The range of sounds below 20 Hz are named: A. infra-audible B.ultra-sonic C. audible D.These sounds are absent in nature
Test 4. The range of sounds above 20 000 Hz are named: A. infra-audible B.ultra-sonic C. audible D.These sounds are absent in nature E. Man made
Test 5. The range of sounds from 20 Hz to 20000 are named: A. infra-audible B.ultra-sonic C. audible D.These sounds are absent in nature E. Man made
Test 6. What is the acceptable noise level (dB) in bedroom? A. 60 B. 50 C.40 D.30 E. 25
Test 7. The basic instruments used in studies on noise are: A. Sound Level Meter B. Dosimeter C. Psychrometer D.Anemometer E. Hygrometer
Test 8. What is the acceptable noise level (dB) in living room? A. 80 B. 70 C.40 D.10 E. 20
Test 9. What is the ‘occupational hearing loss’ (hearing illness)? A.Destruction of the organ of Corti as a result of occupation in industries B. Rise in blood pressure as a result of occupation in industries C. Rise in intracranial pressure as a result of occupation in industries D. Increase in heart rate as a result of occupation in industries E. Mental disorder and insomnia as a result of occupation in industries
Test 10. How many stages of ‘hearing illness’ do you know? A. 1 stage B. 2 stages C. 3 stages 4. 4 stages 5. 5 stages
Variant 13 Test 1. What is the noise in physics? A. the chaotic sound fluctuations of different frequency rate from 16 to 20000 Herz and different intensity, having no regularity B. sound from 16 to 20000 Herz, preventing recognition of useful sound signals C. sound more than 20000 Herz, interfering with rest, rendering a negative effect on a human organism and decreasing his capacity for work D. the chaotic sound fluctuations less than 1 Herz frequency rate and intensity, having no regularity E. the chaotic sound fluctuations from 1 Herz to 20 herz frequency rate and intensity, having no regularity
Test 2. What is the noise in Hygiene? A. the chaotic sound fluctuations of different frequency rate from 16 to 20000Herz and different intensity, having no regularity B. sound from 16 to 20000 Herz, preventing recognition of useful sound signals C. sound from 16 to 20000 Herz rendering a negative effect on a human organism and decreasing his capacity for work D. the chaotic sound fluctuations less than 1 Herz frequency rate and intensity, having no regularity E. the chaotic sound fluctuations from 1 Herz to 20 herz frequency rate and intensity, having no regularity
Test 3. Classification of Noise according to sources: A. household B.transport C.industrial D.building E. agricultural
Test 4. Classification of Noise according tofrequency: A. low-frequency – from 16 to 400 Hz B. medium-frequency - 400-1,000 Hz C. high-frequency - over 1,000 to 20000 Hz D. very high frequency more than than 20000 Hz E. infrasound frequency less than 1 Hz
Test 5. What is the low-frequency noise? A. noise with the frequency – from 16 to 400 Hz B. noise with the frequency 400-1,000 Hz C. noise with the frequency from 1,000 to 20000 Hz D. noise with the frequency more than than 20000 Hz E. noise with the frequency less than 1 Hz
Test 6. What is the medium-frequency noise? A. noise with the frequency – from 16 to 400 Hz B. noise with the frequency 400-1,000 Hz C. noise with the frequency from 1,000 to 20000 Hz D. noise with the frequency more than than 20000 Hz E. noise with the frequency less than 1 Hz
Test 7. What is the high-frequency noise? A. noise with the frequency – from 16 to 400 Hz B. noise with the frequency 400-1,000 Hz C. noise with the frequency from 1,000 to 20000 Hz D. noise with the frequency more than than 20000 Hz E. noise with the frequency less than 1 Hz
Test 8. What is the infrasound waves? A. waves with the frequency up to 1000 Hz B. waves with the frequency up to 20 Hz C. waves with the frequency from 20 Hz to 20000Hz D. waves with the frequency less than 1 Hz E. waves with the frequency from 1000 Hz to 2000 Hz
Test 9. What is the audible sounds? A. waves with the frequency up to 1000 Hz B. waves with the frequency up to 20 Hz C. waves with the frequency from 20 Hz to 20000Hz D. waves with the frequency less than 1 Hz E. waves with the frequency from 1000 Hz to 2000 Hz
Test 10. What is the length of infrasound waves ? A. waves with the frequency up to 1000 Hz B. waves with the frequency up to 20 Hz C. waves with the frequency from 20 Hz to 20000Hz D. waves with the frequency less than 1 Hz E. waves with the frequency from 1000 Hz to 2000 Hz