Variant 2Variant 2 Test 1. Name actions of infrasoundwaves: A. Disorder of internal organs B. Disturbance of alpha-rhythm of the brain C. Disorder of respiration D. Cavitation and destruction of molecules into body E. Thermal effect on tissue into body
Test 2. Name actions of ultrasound waves: A. Disorder of internal organs B. Disturbance of alpha-rhythm of the brain C. Disorder of respiration D. Cavitation and destruction of molecules into body E. Thermal effect on tissue into body
Test 3. Name actions of audible sounds: A. Disorder of internal organs B. Disturbance of alpha-rhythm of the brain C. We can hear D. Cavitation and destruction of molecules into body E. Thermal effect on tissue into body
Test 4. Humane ear can hear sounds: A. From 100-140 dB: B. From 20-20000 dB: C. From 0-20000 dB: D. From 0-140 dB: E. From 10-240 dB:
Test 5. Unit of measurement of sound levels’ power in hygiene: A. decibel (dB) B. kilowatt (kwt) C. Herz (Hz) D. Bekkerel (Bk) E. Kuri (Ku)
Test 6. Unit of measurement of sound waves’ length: A. decibel (dB) B. kilowatt (kwt) C. Herz (Hz) D. Bekkerel (Bk) E. metre (m)
Test 7. Action of noise on organism can be: A. specific B. nonspecific C. direct D. not direct E. useful
Test 8. How many stagesof noise disease do you know? A. 1 stage B. 2 stages C. 3 stages D. 4 stages E. 5 stages
Test 9. Specific effect of noiseis manifested due to: A. a long angiospasm resulting in the nerve endings B. neuritis of acoustical nerve C. hight blood pressure D. alteration of red blood cells E. alteration of white blood cells
Test 10. Patient don’t hear whispering speech during the 1-3 minutes after work. It was determed acoustical threshold level increases on 10-15 dB during this time and after that it returns to normal level. Name stage of noise disease. A. Acoustical adaptation B. Acoustical exhaustion C. Progressing deafness D. Acoustical adaptation and exhaustion E. Acoustical exhaustion and deafness