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Dear Colleagues,
The journal Biomolecules (ISSN 2218-273X) is currently running a Special Issue entitled “State of Art in Protein Engineering”. We are serving as Guest Editor for this issue and keeping in view your eminent contribution in this field, we are pleased to invite you to submit either an original research article or a review dealing with any aspect of protein engineering. The manuscript submission deadline is 15 August 2021. Please kindly note that submitted papers should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. For further reading, please follow the link to the special issue website at https://www.mdpi.com/journal/biomolecules/special_issues/protein_engineering_ or see the announcement below. If you are interested, or would like to know whether your research topic falls within the scope of the Special Issue, we kindly suggest that you send a short abstract or a tentative title to us (dolgikh@nmr.ru and lpetr65@yahoo.com). We will respond to the potential author and either invite or reject the proposal. Then the invited potential author sends the manuscript to the Editorial Office, which will then send the submitted manuscripts for peer review, after which we shall make a final decision. You can find further details on the Biomolecules webpage at http://www.mdpi.com/journal/biomolecules. Please let us know at your earliest convenience, if you are interested in this invitation. Thank you very much in advance for your time, we look forward to hearing from you!
Yours sincerely, Lada Petrovskaya, Dmitry Dolgikh Guest Co-Editors of the Special Issue of "Biomolecules"
Announcement Biomolecules special Issue “State of Art in Protein Engineering” Dear Colleagues, A Special Issue on “State of Art in Protein Engineering” is being prepared for the journal Biomolecules. Protein engineering is a branch of molecular biology and biotechnology aimed at the modification of natural protein structures and functions to obtain new proteins with altered or novel structural properties and/or biological functions for better use in scientific research, medicine, agriculture and industry. Protein engineering can also create new, nonnatural proteins with predesigned structures and functions. Protein engineers use recombinant DNA technology to create genes for new proteins with desirable amino acid sequences. Many modified natural and de novo designed proteins have been engineered and investigated over the years using both rational design and directed evolution methods. Rational design is based on an understanding of molecular structure and structure–function relationships to obtain desirable new proteins. Directed evolution methods select variants with desirable properties among a great variety of randomly engineered sequences, thus mimicking natural evolution processes. Both approaches are complimentary and widely use computational methods, among them being the very promising new technique of artificial intelligence. Modern protein engineering includes the modification of protein stability, ligand-binding properties, enzyme activity and specificity; de novo design; the improvement of the therapeutic properties of medicinal proteins, etc. Original manuscripts and reviews dealing with any aspect of protein engineering are very welcome for inclusion in the Special Issue. Dr. Lada E. Petrovskaya Prof. Dr. Dmitry A. Dolgikh