1. The author. 2. The kind of literature (epic, lyric, drama), - fiction / non-fiction (essay), - the genre (sci-fi, love story, fairy-tale, fable, parable, etc.), - the type (plot, psychological or mixed), - the effect of the literary work (dramatic, humorous, ironic, lyrical, teaching, terrifying, thought-provoking, etc.). 3. The theme on the general and on the plot level. 4. The time and the place of the events being described. 5. The idea illustrated by the SD and EM of the text. 6. The types of conflicts (external or internal, obvious or hidden), illustrated by the SD and EM. 7. The system of personages (main, rival, minor characters; protagonist, antagonist; antihero), - the ways of characterization (direct or indirect, i.e. through speech, appearance, actions, attitude of other characters). What SD and EM are used to characterize the personages? 8. The plot structure (open or closed): - exposition - beginning - story itself, development of action - climax (plot or emotional / psychological) - denouement - ending* What SD and EM does the author use to stress the importance of the action / the depth of the feeling? 9. The narrative (plot technique): - straight line (chronological order of events) - complex (changed order of events, flashbacks, foreshadowings, flashforwards, retardation, interrupted narrative) - framing structure (story within the story) - circular structure (repetition of some actions or events) 10. The author's speech: - narration (third- , first-, second-person narration, entrusted narration, etc.) - reasoning - description - represented speech Characterize the author’s speech from the point of view of its stylistic peculiarities. 11. The difference between the author's and the personages' speech: - choice of words (stylistically neutral and stylistically marked words; different stylistic layers: bookish words, terms, colloquialisms, etc.) and its function - prevailing syntactical constructions (simple or complex sentences, inversion, ellipsis, parallelism, etc.) 12. The conclusion. Reader’s general impression on the literary work.