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ВИКТОРИНА. по книге Ю. Пучковой. Страусёнок Хампти и его семья»







по книге Ю. Пучковой

«Страусёнок Хампти и его семья»


                                     Разработала: руководитель

                                       кружка-методист Хомова Н.Д.



Обучающиеся кружка «Время изучать английский» группы 3-го года обучения с интересом прочли книгу Юлии Пучковой «Страусёнок Хампти и его семья». Ребятам очень понравились забавные истории о жизни семьи страусов, поведанных самым старшим из страусят. Обучающиеся с удовольствием выполняли упражнения, направленные на развитие навыков речи и отработку грамматики, разыгрывали диалоги и придумывали описания героев и пересказы эпизодов.

Викторина проводилась как завершающий этап работы с книгой по домашнему чтению.


Содержание викторины.

I.Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


1. Why does Humpty want to get out of the egg?

a)   It’s very dark in the egg.

b)   The egg is very small.

c)    He is tired of sitting in the egg. 


2.   The egg starts rolling. It is rolling and rolling. Then …BANG!!! The egg hits a) the zebra

                     b) the cheetah  

                     c) the lioness  … on the back. 

3.  Humpty falls down on the grass because…

         a) his legs are shaking.

         b) his legs are too short.

        c) they don’t listen to him. 

4. Humpty has a big family. He has    got

a) two brothers and two sisters.

b) two sisters and one brother.

c) two sisters and no brothers. 

    5. Mum and Dad are worried one hot day because

a)  Humpty and Dumpty run away.

b)  Humpty falls on the grass.

c) Humpty’s sisters must come out but they don’t. 

6. Smiley’s name is Smiley because

       a) her smile is nice and kind.

       b) she is beautiful.

       c) mum calls her so.

7. One day father was angry with Humpty because

       a)  Humpty was fighting with Dumpty.

       b)  he couldn’t run very fast.

       c) he was rude to some grown-ups.

8.   Humpty thinks his father is brave because

       a) he isn’t afraid of hippos.

       b) he isn’t afraid of lions.

       c) he isn’t afraid of cheetahs.

9. Softy is Humpty’s

        a) sister.

        b) friend.

        c) cousin.



10.   When the day is very hot the chicks hide

  a) under a tree.

   b) under Dad’s wings.

   c) in the river.


11.  In the river in chapter “Living stones” the stones are interesting because

  a) they can move.

  b) they are of different colours.

  c) they’ve got ears, eyes, nostrils.

12. Humpty can’t eat the small green animal because

   a) he is sure he wants to live.

   b) he eats only seeds and fruit in the grasslands.

   c) he is angry with his sister Dragon who eats insects.

13. Humpty is very angry with Dragon and wants to hit her but he doesn’t do it because

    a) he can’t fight.

    b) she is stronger.

    c) she is a girl.

14. The lioness is very dangerous. She wants to catch the chicks but she can’t do it because

     a) she is very weak.

     b) when the young ostriches are together, they can fight a lion.

     c) father ostrich fights with her.


15. Dragon got ill because

  a) she didn’t listen to her father and drank cold water.

  b) she didn’t listen to her father and ate cold ice-cream.

  c) she ran and danced in cold water in the rain.

16. Dragon has got low and quiet voice because

    a) she is joking.

    b) she is performing a part in a play.

    c) she’s got a sore throat.

 17. Dumpty goes to the river

    a) to bring water for Dragon.

    b) to swim.

    c) to play with other ostriches.

18. Dragon is

     a) Smiley

     b) Softy

     c) Sunny now.

19. Now Humpty is grown-up. He’s got a family. He’s got

      a) two sons and two daughters.

      b) two daughters and one son.

      c) three daughters.


II. Отгадай загадку.

                                          Guess the riddles.


1. This animal is a striped horse.  

2. Birds make this house.  

3. You can’t touch it but you can see through it. 

4. It’s a big bird but it can’t fly. It’s from the grasslands.

5. It’s a bird’s nose.

6. It’s the first house of a bird. It can break.

7. It’s where birds fly.

8. It’s a spotty animal. It’s very tall.

9. This insect has got beautiful long wings, a long thin body and very big eyes.

10.They are the bird’s clothes.

11. It isn’t an insect. It’s got eight legs and nunts insects.

12. These insects live together and always work hard.

13. They are fingers of your feet.

14. They are holes in your nose.

15. It’s heavy rain and strong wind together. 

16. When it is high, you are ill. 

17. This insect makes a funny noise with its legs.

18. Children like catching this insect because its wings are very beautiful.

19. They are big or small, round or square. Don’t throw them! You can your friend.

20. It isn’t an insect. It’s got a big beautiful house on its back.

21. It’s running air.

22. It is dark. It can cover the sun.

23. It is water. It falls from the sky.

24. It’s heavy rain and strong wind together.

25. When you have it, your nose is running and you sneeze.

26. It is when your throat hurts.

27. A large area of land covered with grass.





III. Реши кроссворд.

Solve the crossword.




IV. Подбери пару (Найди антоним)

Match the opposites


light                                                      ugly  

high                                                       heavy 

silly                                                        old 

cute                                                       clever 

quiet                                                      noisy 

new                                                        warm 

happy                                                     ugly 

cold                                                        low   

boring                                                    thin

dirty                                                      interesting 

closed                                                    sad 

fat                                                         clean 

ill                                                            usual 

beautiful                                                 fine 

angry                                                      slow 

brave                                                      open 

fast                                                         afraid  

strange                                                   kind                  


V. Подбери пару (Составь словосочетание)

Match the words

teeth                                                         see

eyes                                                           smell 

ears                                                           kick   

nose                                                           bite  

mouth and nose                                          fly  

wings                                                          lie  

mouth                                                         whisper  

with your eyes                                            hear  

hands                                                         watch  

back                                                           sneeze  

foot                                                            catch                  





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