How does “Samson Agonistes” represent Milton’s belief in God and God’s law? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 1)Can Satan be considered the hero of the poem? 2)Compare the epic with the Bible? 3)Compare “Paradise Lost” with “Beowulf”. In what ways are they alike? Different? 4)How do you explain the difference between a literary epic and a folk or national epic? 3. “Paradise regained” is less intense than either, less titanic, and it mediates between the epic and the dramatic point of view. “Samson Agonistes”, on the other hand, shows Milton using all his strength, and the accumulated reflections of a lifetime, as at long last he came back to his old project of a sacred tragedy. How does “Samson Agonistes” represent Milton’s belief in God and God’s law?