Living At Home? – Остаться жить с родителями или уйти вовремя – реалии Росси:Living At Home? – Остаться жить с родителями или уйти вовремя – реалии Росси: Answer the following questions choosing the possible option – Ответьте на вопросы выбрав подходящий ответ:
1 At what age do children usually leave home in Russia? a. between 18 and 20 b. between 21 and 25 c. between 26 and 30 d. over 30 e. It depends on their marital status. 2 What are the reasons adult children usually leave home in Russia? a. They get a job. b. They get married. c. They go away to study. d. They don’t want to depend on their parents. e. Other
3 How do parents feel when their adult children are living at home in Russia? a. They’re very happy. b. They’re very worried. c. They don’t think about it. d. They don’t want them to stay. e. Other 4 What do adult children usually do when they live at home in Russia? a. They help with the chores. b. They help pay for expenses. c. They look for a job. d. They look for a new place to live. e. Other