Text right way up!. The thin black cat is the witch’s companion .He Has cruel yellow eyes that flash in the night! Ooooooooooh! Iam scared!. People carve up a pumpkin and make a jack o’lantern out of it!. Look at this fat, toothless , cross-eyed monster! ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
Text right way up! The thin black cat is the witch’s companion .He Has cruel yellow eyes that flash in the night! Ooooooooooh! Iam scared! People carve up a pumpkin and make a jack o’lantern out of it! Look at this fat, toothless , cross-eyed monster! A haunted house with black bats swirling in the moonlight and a white ghost shouting” boo” and scaring people. A horrible skinny witch, flying on her broom with her skinny hairy cat ! On Halloween night, she prepares a horrible potion in her black cauldron Activity one A horrible and skinny witch is making a disgusting potion in her cauldron She lives in a haunted house with bats and a black Cat with cruel flashy yellow eyes in the corners of the house there are spiders in their spidER webs hanging from the ceiling She has carved a pumpkin and made a jack o'lantern with it! If she comes trick a treating to my house I will give her lots of sweets because I am scared of her! Creative questions: Creative Questions :