Write the words and phrases below in the correct place.
1) Write the words and phrases below in the correct place. Can you add any more words?
2) Match these words to their meanings. 3) Read the definitions and underline the correct word.
KEY Ex.1) Types of holiday: beach, mountain, city + safari, city ………… Holiday activities : taking photos, walking, sunbathing, water sport, sightseeing, climbing, skiing, eating in restaurants, swimming, shopping + diving, hiking …….. Holiday adjectives: peaceful, cheap, exciting + boring, expensive , relaxing……….. Means of transport: bicycle, ship, train + on foot , car ……. Spend holiday time with: family, alone + friends, schoolmates, group of tourists ……….. Ex. 2) 1. travel 2. voyage 3. tour 4. trip 5. excursion Ex. 3) 1 c 2 b 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 c