Managers and Leaders. Leadership stylesManagers and Leaders Task 1 (Before watching the video) What difference can you see between Management and Leadership? Task 2 Watch the video and compare your ideas with the ones given in the video. Task 3 Are you a manager or a leader? What proves it? Task 4 Leadership and management must go hand in hand. Can you give examples when it really is like this? Leadership styles Task 1 Watch the first part of the video (0.0-2.0 min) and answer the following questions about leadership: 1. Who is a leader? 2. What is leadership about? 3. What are characteristics of effective leaders? 4. What are the essential requisites (necessity) for leadership? =What does leadership give to the team? What does a leader do?
Task 2 Before watching the second part of the video (2.00-4.20) answer the following questions: 1. What are leadership styles? 2. What are characteristics of them? 3. When are each of the styles used? 4. Who is responsible in each case? 5. What are the limitations (drawbacks) of the styles? 6. What are the factors to choose a leadership style?
Task 3 1. Watch the video and say what you learnt from it about the characteristics of leaders, leadership and leadership styles. 2. What defines effective leadership according to Peter Drucker?
Task 4 1. Mark the characteristics of leadership styles with D for the democratic style, Afor the autocratic style, L for the laissez-fair style. 2. Listen and check