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A  A New Era for Aircraft



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Количество / саны


Преодолевать / жеңу

Combined with

в сочетании с / ұштастыра отырып


объявлять, заяв­лять / хабарлау, жариялау


в настоящее время / қазіргі кезде


горение / жану


сочетать(ся), комбинировать(ся), объеди­няться) /біріктіру


полный, общий / жалпы


сложный / күрделі

apart from

помимо, кроме /одан басқа


обычный, стандартный / кәдімгі


сопротивление / қарсылық, физ. - кедергі 


производитель­ность, КПД, эффективность /тиімділік, ПӘК пайдалы әсер коэффициенті 


ожидать, предпо­лагать /күту, болжау


трение / үйкеліс 


недостаток /жағымсыз жақтар, кемшілік


заменять, под­ставлять / ауыстыру


 крайний, чрезвы­чайный /төтенше


 конструкция, структура / құрылым


главным образом / ең бастысы

way out

выход /шығу


впрыскивать, вво­дить / бүрку


напряжение / күш түсу


Топливо / жанармай


испарять(ся) / булану


Скорость /жылдамдық

Le Bourget airfield

аэропорт JleБурже /Ле Бурже әуежайы

the looks

внешний вид /сыртқы келбеті

can enjoy

с удовольствием (здесь) сүйсініп

succeeded in

Удалось /жетістікке жетті

heat-insulating materials

теплоизолирующие материалы / жылу оқшаулағыш материалдар

accounting for

составляя / құрамын құрып 

by one-third

на одну треть / үштен бір бөлігі


охлаждающая жидкость / салқындатқыш

elon­gated fuselage

удлиненный фюзеляж / ұзынша келген фюзеляж

prospective model

перспективная модель / келешегі бар үлгісі

a new form of supersonic transport

Новый вид сверхзвукового транспорта / дыбыстан да жүйрік шапшандығы бар көліктің жаңа түрі

without horizontal stabilizer

без горизонтального стабилизатора / көлденең тұрақтандырғышы жоқ

combined engines

комбинированные двигатели / біріктірілген қозғалтқыштар

one of the ways

один из путей / шешімдердің бірі

combined with

в сочетании с /ұштастыра отырып

the only way out

единственный выход / бір ғана шешім

at high velocities

на больших скоростях / жоғары жылдамдықта

as economical as possible

как можно более экономично / мүмкіндігінше үнемдеп

the skin is heated

обшивка нагревается / сыртқы қабаты қызады

lower atmosphere

нижниеслоиатмосферы / атмосфераның төменгі қабатында

less than two hours

менее двух часов / екі сағаттан аз уақытта

overall length

общая длина / жалпы ұзындығы

cover the distance

покры­вать расстояние / қашықтықты өту

overall aircraft weight

общий вес самолета /ұшақтың жалпы салмағы




8 A  A New Era for Aircraft

Aviation experts expect that today's aircraft will begin to be re­placed with some new form of supersonic transport in a few years' time. A 21st century hypersonic aircraft may open a new age of air­craft design.

The designers of this country displayed the project of such a su­personic passenger liner among the prospective models at one of the latest Aerospace Salon held on the old Le Bourget airfield1 in Paris. An elongated fuselage with a sharp nose and without a hori­zontal stabilizer makes it look more like a rocket. The speed matches the looks2. This plane will fly at a speed five to six times above the speed of sound, e.g., it will cover the distance between Tokyo and Moscow in less than two hours. The diameter of the fu­selage will be 4 meters and the overall length 100 meters, with the cabin accomodating300 passengers. The future superplanes of such a class will have no windows, but the passengers can enjoy3 watch­ing the panorama of the Earth on the TV monitor at the front of the cabin. They will fly so fast that ordinary aircraft windows would make the structure too weak to withstand the stresses at such a speed. At high velocities the air resistance in the lower atmosphere is so great that the skin is heated to very high temperature. The only way out is to fly higher. Therefore, airliners' routes will mainly lie in the stratosphere.

In general, to build a reliable hypersonic plane one has to over­come a whole set of technological and scientific difficulties. Apart from creating highly economical combined engines and heat- insulating materials4, designers have to make such an amount of thermodynamic computations that can't be performed without using supercomputers. One of the ways to make planes as economi­cal as possible is lightening the aircraft by substituting new com­posite materials for conventional metal alloys. Accounting for5 less than 5 per cent of the overall aircraft weight now, the percentage of composite material parts will exceed 25 per cent in new generation models. An extensive use of new materials combined with better aerodynamics and engines will allow increasing fuel efficiency by one-third6.

Because of the extreme temperatures generated by the atmo­sphere friction, a hypersonic craft will also require complicated cooling measures. One possibility is using cryogenic fuels, such as liquid hydrogen, as both coolants7 and propellants. The fuel flow­ing through the aircraft's skin would cool the surfaces as it vapor­izes before being injected into combustion chamber.

In addition, specialists in many countries are currently working on new propeller engines considered much more economical and less noisy than jets. The only disadvantage is that propeller planes fly slower than jet planes. However, it has recently been announced that specialists succeeded in8 solving this problem. As a result a ventilator engine with a propeller of ten fibre-glass blades has been built, each being five meters long. It will bemountedintheexperi­mentalpassengerplane.



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