University Life. Topical VocabularyСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ University Life Topical Vocabulary assignment curriculum Bachelor's degree Master's degree certificate degree (to take one's ~) department diploma dissertation be good at smth. do well educate education educational system enter a university задание учебный план, программа степень бакалавра степень магистра сертификат, свидетельство ученая степень отделение диплом диссертация преуспевать в ч-л успевать давать образование, воспитывать образование система образования поступить в университет examination (exam) examination period (exams) examination question (paper) grade (Am.) tuition carry on scientific/research work
faculty fail an examination in smth. hostel scholarship
экзамен экзаменационный период экзаменационный вопрос отметка обучение проводить научную/ исследовательскую работу факультет провалить экзамен общежитие стипендия
Consult the dictionary and translate the following words and word combinations: assistant professor; associate professor; dean campus catch up (with) cheat check up come down to a choice composition coach smb for an exam cram crib deal with smb dean's office devote much time to studies do postgraduate work essay faculty office failure fall (lag) behind final exams (finals) freshman (Am.) full-time student get down to work get on well (in/at smth.) give a pass go to lectures go up to university grammar graduate from a university graduate graduation dissertation grant grind away (for, at) have a lecture have classes in smth have a good command of smth head of department hold examinations holidays (vacation) improve instruct junior keep up (with smb.) keep in one's head library card major in smth. (Am.) make progress (in smth.) oral paper pass an examination pass in smth. part-time student play truant record book (students' record book) rector senior lecturer students' membership card subdean specialize in smth synopsis, pl. –es take a degree take an examination take notes pay tuition fee free (half) tuition) tutor undergraduate vice-rector