The exercises. Future Simple and to be going toThe exercises. Future Simple and to be going to 1. Choose the right sentence (выберите грамматически правильное предложение) 1. Harry will let you use the phone. Why don’t you ask Lisa? Harry won’t let you use the phone. Why don’t you ask Lisa?
2. I have no time. I will answer your questions later. I have no time. I will not answer your questions later.
3. Will you go to Paris? Willnot you go to Paris?
2. Write general questions for predictions about the future. Use question marks (сфорулируйте вопросы к данным предложениям).
1. People will work two days a week.
2. People will use much energy.
3. Children will eat only sweets.
3. Complete the general questions. Write full sentences (раскройте скобки в вопросительных предложениях)
1. (people travel) to other planets?
2. (children go) to school in 100 years?
3. (people read) fewer books in the future?
4. Put the words into the correct order. You will have different types of sentences. Use punctuation marks (full stops) at the end of the sentences. (расставьте слова в предложениях в правильном порядке)
1. you /work / will / in / London?
2. will / Sally / play / in the garden.
3. plant / new trees / in the/ garden/ will / she.
5. АУДИРОВАНИЕ. Put the words into the gaps: (прослушайте текст в аудиозаписи Simon-Baby-Future. Заполните предложения пропущенными словами)
1. I wonder if a lot different than it was for us when we were 10 or 12.
2. That will .
3. He'll a jet board instead.
6. Here are the phrases in Present Simple. Change them into the phrases with 'to be going to'. Use full verb forms. (Здесь даны фразы в настоящем простом времени. Поменяй их на фразы с «to be going to». Используй полные глагольные формы.)
7. АУДИРОВАНИЕ. Посмотрите видео Gи заполните пропуски 1. We are to see some friends and eat out on Friday evening.
2. On Saturday we are going some sandwiches and go to the park.
3. On Sunday I'm going to work out and Emily the Internet.
8. Начало формы Послушайте три аудио файла под названиями track 1, track 2 Listen to the audio files and write the sentences that you will hear. Don't forget about punctuation marks. (Послушай аудио и запиши предложения, которые ты услышишь. Не забудь про знаки препинания.)
Конец формы