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Dear students! How are you?. We continue our lessons.. задание дистанционного обучения. Выполненные задания как и раньше  присылайте на электронную почту -kolesnik1959@inbox.ruили сообщением в контакте.. Modern computer technologies. Прочитайте и переведи

Dear students! How are you?

We continue our lessons.

7 задание дистанционного обучения. Выполненные задания как и раньше  присылайте на электронную почту -kolesnik1959@inbox.ruили сообщением в контакте.

Мы продолжаем изучение темы Современные компьютерные технологии. Знакомимся с новой лексикой, закрепляем полученные знания.

В тетради запишите:

7 неделя дистанционного обучения.

Modern computer technologies

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы.


50 years ago people hadn’t even heard of computers and today we cannot imagine life without them. Computer technology is the fastest-growing industry in the world. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton. Today its job can be done by a chip the size of a pen head. And the computer revolution is still going on. Very soon we’ll have computers that we’ll wear on our wrists or even in our glasses and earrings. Such wearable computers are being developed in the USA.

Japan’s biggest mobile-phone company has just realized its cleverest product so far, the i-mode, a mobile-phone allows you to surf the Internet as well as make calls. Soon they will be able to buy cinema tickets and manage their bank accounts.

The next generation of computers will be able to talk and even think for themselves. Of course, they will be still a lot simpler than human brains, but it will be a great step forward. Such computers will help to diagnose illness, find minerals, understand and control the world’s money markets, identify criminals and control space travels.

Computer revolution is changing our life and our language too. We are constantly making up new words or giving new meanings to old ones.

Вопросы к тексту:

  1. What size was the first computer?
  2. What types of computers are being developed in the USA now?
  3. What are people using the phone for?
  4. What will the next generation of computers be able to do?
  5. How is the computer revolution changing our life?



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