


Случайная статья

The 12th of May.. Classwork.


6 класс. Английский язык. Группа Алёны Александровны.


The 12th of May.


Подготовка к к.р. Повторите:

1. Past Simple tense (Active Voice. Passive Voice.)

2. Present Continuous tense.

3. If I were you, I would …. (Если бы я был(а) на вашем/твоем месте, Я бы …..)


ex.1. Write the sentences in Past Simple tense (Active Voice or Passive Voice). Напишите предложения в (прош. вр.) Past Simple tense (Active Voice or Passive Voice).



a. Trevor wrote  (write) an article for the RAP. (Past Simple. Active Voice)

b. The “Vitruvian Man” was drawn (draw) by Leonardo da Vinci. (Past Simple. Passive Voice)


1. Many discoveries ____________ (make) by Leonardo da Vinci.

2. Leonardo _________ (teach) by the sculptor and painter Verocchio in Florence.

3. His notes _________ (write) in “mirror writing”.

4. Leonardo da Vinci _________ (make) many discoveries.

5. Leonardo da Vinci _________ (be born) in 1452 and _________ (die) in 1519.


ex.2. What are they doing? Write sentences. Что они делают? Напишите предложения



jump   go to school  draw   eat popcorn   write  eat a sandwich       rake autumn leaves   drink   read a book    study  take a picture
Example: She is swimming.


1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________

7. _______________________________________________________

8. _______________________________________________________

9. _______________________________________________________

10. ______________________________________________________

11. ______________________________________________________


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