Задание к уроку «Одежда, шоппинг и ответы на вопросы». Выполни его до четверга включительно! ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Задание к уроку «Одежда, шоппинг и ответы на вопросы». Выполни его до четверга включительно!
1. Small Essay Write a small essay on shopping (10-15 sentences). Include these questions: Do you like shopping? Why? Why not? Do you like shopping online? What is your favorite shop or brand? What are your favorite parts of clothing? Would you call yourself or maybe someone from your friends/family a shopaholic?
2. World leaders quiz ● Who was the President of the Russian Federation from 1991 to 1999? ● What is the name of Queen of the UK? ● Where is Fidel Castro from? ● Who is the Chinese leader now? ● When John F.Kennedy was the President of the USA? ● Who is the President in Australia? ● Name 5 countries which have the Queen or the King.
3. Questions about the picture
Ask 5 funny questions about this photo (use When. How, Why, Where, etc). Be creative.