Первичное восприятие и усвоение нового материала ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 3. Первичное восприятие и усвоение нового материала - Now tell me about Vitamins. - What do you know about vitamin C, B6, K? Food Useful, healthy Eat, wash, cook An apple a day keeps a doctor away Vitamins
- Do you eat the right food? - Read the task of exercise 11, page 121. Will you continue the list of kinds of food, human body and human characteristics? Kind of food: meat, porridge, bread, vegetable, eggs, milk, onion, carrot… Human body: teeth, bones, skin (кожа), blood. Human characteristics: healthy, optimistic, strong. - Ex.12 p. 121
- Look at the pictures “Food” - Remember some rules to be healthy. -- do sports; -- take regular exercises; -- take a cold shower every day; -- eat healthy food; -- never smoke; -- wash hands before eating; -- clean teeth twice a day; -- eat fruits and vegetables; -- don’t eat chips; -- don’t eat too much or too little; -- healthy diet; -- don’t watch TV too long; -- don’t work on the computer too long; -- take vitamins;
- Make mini – projects.