Знакомство с некоторыми особенностями рекламы ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Знакомство с некоторыми особенностями рекламы Open your Students Books at page 112. Look at the picture, read the sentence and translate it. The Steps of Advertising Technique 1) An exclamation sign (восклицательный знак) at the end of each sentence. T: You are very clever! Lets play a game “Is it an advert or not?” Look at the media and show me card with word “advert” if it’s really an advert. And show me red sign if its not an advert. Выполнение упражнений в рабочей тетради T: Boys and girls, what else can we may advertise? Проектная работа T: Are you ready to compose Adverts and Signs. Remember The Steps of Advertising Technique. Look here. Критерии грамотно-разработанной рекламы
You have 10 minutes at you disposal. After that you will present your adverts and signs to the class. Work in 3 groups Model A ticket to the cinema? Домашняя работа T: Our town Tatarsk is not big. It needs bright and colorful adverts, which will make Tatarsk more beautiful and modern. As your home task I suggest you to compose your own advert for the street you live in.