Interview your partnerInterview your partner 1)Is it easy to find a job when you’re 45 in your country? Why? RESPONSE: Yes, it is / No, it isn’t, because… 2)Is it expensive to visit your native city*? When are you going to visit your parents? 3)Is it dangerous to drive in your town? 4)Is it possible to learn to speak a foreign language fluently* in one year? 5)Is it physically ['fɪzɪkəlɪ] possible to watch all the episodes of DOM-2? 6)Is it romantic to walk in the rain? 7)Is it easy for you to keep a secret ['siːkrət]*? 8)It is hard to stop smoking? What method ['meθəd] do you recommend? RESPONSE: I recommend you to… 9)Is it important for you to read the latest political news? 10)Is it possible to find true love on the Internet? 11)Is it hard for you to go to bed at 10 o’clock? 12)You look fantastic! Is it easy for you to stay in shape / keep fit? What is your secret? 13)Is it easy for you to save money? 14)Is it easy for a student to find a part-time job*? 15)Why is it hard to be 100% honest ['ɔnəst]*? RESPONSE: Being 100% honest is hard because… 16)Why is it hard to make new friends when you’re 35? RESPONSE: Making new friends when you’re 35 is hard because…
· the native ['neɪtɪv] city– родной город · to speak a language fluently ['fluːəntlɪ]– бегло говорить на языке · to keep a secret– хранить секрет · a part-time job– работа на полставки · honest ['ɔnəst] – честный