Задание № 2. Напишите свое мнение о том, как изменились ваши привычки в еде с детства и со школы. Стараетесь ли вы сейчас вести более здоровый образ жизни. (4-5 предложений)
Дополнительное задание к онлайн занятию от 21.04.20. Аудирование. Тема: “Health/Healthy Lifestyle” I never used to yowrr about my health until recently. When I was a kid, I did loads of erxciees. Even in my twenties and thirties I was very fit and never ill. I have been lkcuy all my life – always in the best of health. I rarely get even a cold. I suppose time etahccsup with you. Now I seem to be getting lots of little cahesand pains. I should go to the doctor for a health khcce, but I’m too busy. The older you get, the more you worry about your health. One good thing is that I’m gineat more healthily now than ever before. I no longer have fast food and midnight scnask. I also sleep a lot more. I’ve read that ntegtgiseven or eight hrosusleep every night is one of the best things you can do for your health. Задание № 2. Напишите свое мнение о том, как изменились ваши привычки в еде с детства и со школы. Стараетесь ли вы сейчас вести более здоровый образ жизни. (4-5 предложений)