План-конспект урока английского языкаПлан-конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе по учебнику Spotlight-9
Дата: 08.04.2020 Тема урока: Fears and phobias Ход урока: 1. Hello. How are you? Why people are afraid of different things? What is a fear? What is a phobia? -Fear is an emotion. -People are afraid because bad things can happen. -Phobia is a baseless fear. Let’s read some idioms connected to emotions. Ex.7, p.106. Check in appendix 3. Which emotion do they feel? Today we are going to speak about fears. Can you guess what are we going to study? -We are going to study different kinds of fear -The ways how can we cope with it. 2. Do you have any fear? What is it? Look on the pictures. Which of them make you: ex.1, p.106 (устно) -scream? -freeze? -sweat? -shake like a leaf? -run away? -Going to the dentist makes me scream. 3. Are you afraid of…?
Look at these pictures and a table and tell about your fear
4. Now read the text p107 , do ex.4 p 106
VI Домашнее задание 1. Выписать новые слова в словарь упр. 5, стр.106, новые слова из текста, лексика 7а 2. Составить 5 предложений на англ.яз с новыми словами