План-конспект урока английского языкаПлан-конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе Дата: 24.04.2020 Тема урока: “How can I help you?? Ход урока. Good morning, dear friends Today we are going tо speak about shopping. You know we buy different things in different shops. (Напишите в тетради предложения, что и где мы можем купить, используя шаблон и данные из таблицы) We can buy … at the … Ex: We can buy sweets at the sweet shop.
Look at the pictures and name the products as in the example (Посмотрите на картинки на стр 88 и выполните задания УСТНО): Number ___ is ___. Products: crayons, basketball ball, teddy bear, socks, camera, sunglasses, swimsuit, swim trunks, toothbrush, diary, first aid kit, hoodie, ring.
Look at the pictures and tell where you can buy these products. Use the example: Example: You can buy ___ in ___. Shops: clothes shop, stationary shop, toy shop, optician’s, sports shop, chemist’s, jeweler’s, electronics shop.
There are a lot of professions and duties: Professions: cleaner, cashier, manager, shop assistant, security guard Duties: to be in charge of the shop & staff; to take payment/ money; to clean the shop; to help customers; to protect the shop. Fill in the gaps (ex 2, p 88 ) (Выполните ПИСЬМЕННО в тетради упр2 стр 88)
Let’s remember grammar rules: (Вспомните правила) Выполните ПИСЬМЕННО в тетради упр5b стр 89