Types of meat
Группа: ТП-83 Тема: Meat. Мясо.
I.Запишите слова в словарь.
Types of meat
Bacon - meat from a pig that is treated with smoke or salt, and is often cooked in rashers (=thin pieces) Beef - the meat from a cow Bushmeat - the meat of wild animals that have been killed for food Chicken - the meat of a chicken Crab - the meat from a crab eaten as food dark meat - meat from a part of a bird such as its leg that is darker than the rest. Lighter meat is called white meat. Duck - the meat of a duck Goose - the meat of a goose Horseflesh - horse meat Lamb - the meat from a young sheep Lean - meat that has very little fat in it Mince - meat, especially beef, that has been cut into very small pieces using a machine. The American word is ground beef. Mutton - the meat from an adult sheep Partridge - the meat from a partridge Pheasant - the meat from a pheasant Pork - the meat from a pig Poultry - meat from birds such as chickens Rabbit - the meat from a rabbit red meat - meat such as beef or lamb that is red before it is cooked and dark after you have cooked it. Meat that is pale after you have cooked it is called white meat. Turkey - the meat of a turkey Veal - meat from a young cow Venison - the meat from a deer
II. Прочтите, выпишите слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, в словарь, выполните упражнения 3, 4 в конспекте. (Учебник Virginia Evans . Cooking. Unit 1)