The 8th of April. Вариант-I. Polite. Mary is so ___. She does nothing around the house.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ The 8th of April Вариант I делают следующие студенты:Андарова Д., Алексеева Е., Ахметзянова Р., Воробьева Д., Гараева М., Гарифуллина Н., Давлетов А., Занина П. Test № 5 Вариант-I I. Подберите антонимы к следующим прилагательным: 1) Cheap a) good b) expensive c) rich d) poor 2) Polite a) good b) kind c) rude d) talkative 3) short a) beautiful b) long c) kind d) good 4) ugly a) beautiful b) lazy c) kind d) happy 5) wet a) dry b) fast c) hot d) happy II. Выберите правильный вариант: 6) Mary is so ___. She does nothing around the house. a) beautiful b) lazy c) kind d) happy a) difficult b) lazy c) kind d) happy 8) Kate is … than Ann. 13) Who is the … runner in the class? a) as busy as a bee b) as clumsy as a bear c) as strong as steel d) as light as a feather 19) Put on your coat. Your hands are … a) as busy as a bee b) as cold as ice c) as strong as steel d) as light as a feather 20) Those buildings are … a) аs slow as a turtle b) as pretty as a rose c) as strong as steel d) as high as a mountain Вариант II делают следующие студенты:Зулкарняева А., Гильванова А., Калиева А., Канифова А., Анисимова А., Атнабаева А., Ахметянова Р., Лукахина М. Test № 5