по учебному предмету «Английский язык» ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 8 из 8
УТВЕРЖДЕНО Приказ отдела образования, спорта и туризма администрации Октябрьского района г. Могилева 16.09.2016 № 247
по учебному предмету «Английский язык» (2016/2017 учебный год) 11 класс Текст для аудирования Listening Comprehension
FORM 11 Total points: 20
Listening Comprehension Test
I. Mark the following statements as True or False: (5 p)
1. Johnny used to vanish from home because he was bored. 2. As he grew older Johnny began to travel further. 3. Johnny went to Cairo because he liked flying. 4. Johnny wanted to become an explorer, but his teachers said, “You are too young”. 5. Just before he left school he decided to go to Brazil.
II. Complete the sentences : (5 p)
1) Johnny was able to run away from home for the first time at … 2) Johnny got on a bus or even a train , and simply sat there until someone… 3) As he grew older, his favourite trick was to … 4) When Johnny was twelve he managed … 5) Two months later Johnny was …
III. Answer the questions : (10 p) 1) What did Johnny answer when the police asked him why he ran away from home? 2) What was Johnny’s favourite trick as he grew older? 3) What subject was Johnny especially good at? 4) What does Johnny want to be when he grows up? 5) Where did Johnny see a notice about an expedition to Brazil?