Thiruppallandu. Periyazhvar ThirumozhiThiruppallandu Periyazhvar Thirumozhi
Thaniyan Avatharikai Pasuram 1 Pasuram 2 Pasuram 3 Pasuram 4 Pasuram 5 Pasuram 6 Pasuram 7 Pasuram 8 Pasuram 9 Pasuram 10 Pasuram 11 Pasuram 12
nAthamunigaL aruLic seythadhu
gurumukhamanadhItya prAha vedAnasheShAn narapatiparikluptam shulkamAdAtukAma: svashuramamaravandyam ranganAthasya sAkshAt dvijakulatilakam tam viShNucittam namAmi
Meaning: That Periyazhvar wishing to win the prize bag of gold coins made by the King (Vallabhadeva), without having learnt anything from an acharya put forward (by His grace) all the Vedas (required to establish the para tattvam), who is qualified to be worshipped by the devas, who is the direct father-in-law of Lord Ranganatha, and who is the ornament of the Brahmin class; I salute that Periyazhvar.
pANdiya bhattar aruLic seythavai
minnAr thadamathiLsUzh villipuththUrenroRukAl sonnAr kazhaRkamalam sUdinOm - munnAL kizhiyaRuththAn enRuraiththOm kIzhmaiyiniR sErum vazhiyaRuththOm nanjamE vandhu
Meaning: Those who say once the phrase "Srivilliputtur surrounded by bright, big walls", their divine lotus feet we put on our heads. We got to say "once upon a time (when the true meanings of the Vedas were hidden) (Periyazhvar, establishing para tattvam) cut the gold bag". O mind! you having come in the right path, we destroyed the path that ends in the dangerous Naraka.
pANdiya bhattar aruLic seythavai
pANdiyan koNdAdap pattarpirAn vandhAnenRu INdiya sangameduththUdha - vENdiya vEdhangaLOdhi viraindhu kizhiyaRuththAn pAdhangaL yAmudaiya pARRu
Meaning: With the Pandiya King (Vallabhadeva) celebrating and (many) blowing conches in their hands in large numbers, that "Periyazhvar who helps brahmins has come", using Vedic statements required (to establish the supremacy of Vishnu) and establishing it, Periyazhvar anxiously cut the bag of gold kept as prize - his divine feet are our refuge.
Thiruppallandu Avatharikai
Sriman Narayana is the Lord of all, the source of all and all beings are enslaved to Him. Yet, the realization of this knowledge, which would lead them to His service and liberation, is lacking in beings, leading them to close association with their bodies and this world, and false ownership of the same, neither of which last much time. Armed with this incorrect knowledge they think that they are the lord of their surroundings and ignore the bliss of being attached to Him. Latching on to the karmas that come out of this behaviour they wallow in them. Seeing this, the Lord, in order to set them on the right path of reaching Him, gave them the Vedas and other Sastras and Himself shone through them. However, due to their attachment to their karmas the beings ignored this evidence and its importance and so He came down to them as Sri Rama, Sri Krishna and other avatars. In Rama avatar, as Sri Rama He established the duties of a person to obey his elders words; through Sri Lakshmana He showed that a soul's duty is service to the Lord; through Sri Bharata He showed that kainkaryam to the Lord is attained by great attachment to Him; and through Sri Shatrughna He showed that the highest form of service to the Lord is service to His devotees. As Sri Krishna, He taught everyone what true dharma is and how to follow it. Thus, He made clear to them what their relationship is between themselves and Him. But, because one who is far above them came down to their level and lived amongst them, they rejected His Lordship and refused to listen to His words. Therefore, just as a hunter would catch an animal in the forest using one of its own kind, He decided to teach the beings of this world using a fellow being and sent Periyazhvar to this world. Thus, Periyazhvar's vaibhavam states that even those that were not set in the true path by the Sastras and His avataras were saved by Periyazhvar's birth. Periyazhvar naturaly possessing His service in his mind took to providing flowers for Him by maintaining a flower garden near His temple. Periyazhvar is also considered greater than the other Azhvars for the following reasons. Whereas the others did service to the Lord so that He may save them, Periyazhvar considered His safety as everything to himself. They were attached to Him so that He may remove their fears, while Periyazhvar was afraid of what might happen to Him and looked for ways to removing those obstacles. Similarly, Thiruppallandu of Periyazhvar is considered greater than the prabhandams of other Azhvars for the following reasons. Sastras such as the Vedas, Puranas etc. can be learnt only by a select few. In Thiruvaymozhi of Nammazhvar, the trinity of godheads is spoken of in some places, thereby forcing one to study it carefully and understand the inner meanings of those words. Such issues are not present in Thiruppallandu. Sri Mahabharatam is so vast that sometimes it is difficult to figure out what is the true meaning of the work. The pranavam, even though posessing all the meanings of the Vedas in it, is so compact that one has to study it extensively to understand all its inner meanings. Unlike both, Thiruppallandu is made of twelve stanzas and explains the true meaning of service to the Lord in an easy fashion. Additionally, as mentioned by Periyazhvar himself, this prabhandam has the ability to take those that recite it to the Lord's lotus feet. In this pasuram, Periyazhvar upon seeing the Lord with His consorts in this world, fears for His well being and sings that such things should not fall on Him and that His auspicious and divine glory should grow forever. A question might arise, that seeing the Lord who is bereft of anything bad, should not one be requesting one's personal upliftment rather than praying for His glorification. The answer is that after seeing Him, Periyazhvar submerged in the Bhakti that flowed immediately and as such forgot His unlimited glory and power and assumed that His glorification as his own upliftment and started singing. Another question might arise, that while Bhakti to the Lord should free the mind, shine the light in and help reach Him, how come it can be said that it clouded Periyazhvar's mind into singing for His glorification. The answer is that this is nothing new to Bhaktas. The residents of Ayodhya had worshipped all dEvatas to protect the guNas of Sri Rama who is the protector of all these dEvatas. Despite knowing that Sri Rama had defeated Thataka and other asuras, upon hearing that Sri Parasurama had come against Sri Rama, Sri Dasaratha feared for his son and when Sri Rama won, he felt that he and his sons were born again. Sri Kausalya also prayed for the glorification of Sri Rama. The Rishis of Dandakaranya also prayed for the well being of Sri Rama who had come to save them. Sri Sita who knows of the greatness of Sri Rama also glorified Him and prayed to the eight directions to stand in His protection. Even after seeing Sri Krishna born with the conch and discus in His hands Sri Devaki and Sri Vasudeva fearing for His well being from Kamsa prayed to Him to hide His form. Such behaviour is also seen in this world often. A mother who had a child after much waiting would be worried about its well-being all the time, even when the child is under full protection. A person who obtains a priceless gem would stay concerned about its safety even when it is well protected. Being such, it should be no surprise that Periyazhvar was worried about the most beauteous, the most precious Lord when seeing Him in this world. The question may arise that, such behaviour is alright for those who are trapped in this world and whose knowledge is covered with ignorance; how would this be alright for Periyazhvar who has received the uncorrupted, clear knowledge from the Lord Himself; how could he swap the fact that He is the protector and he is the protected. The answer is that, in the matters of this world it would be inappropriate to switch roles; however, in the matter of the Lord such swapping when made in a manner of praising Him is acceptable. In addition, such praising of the Lord after realizing the relationship between ourselves and Him is actually brought about by that true knowledge itself. The highest form of being enslaved to the Lord is wishing the greatest glory for Him without considering one's self. This high truth of the Vedantas is what is being stressed in Thiruppallandu. In the first two pasurams, Periyazhvar wishes the well-being and glory of the Lord. In the next three pasurams, he calls first those who are enslaved to the Lord and later even those who are enslaved to their own selves as well as to the material world. In the next three pasurams all these beings join in with Periyazhvar. In the next three pasurams Periyazhvar and the others sing the glory of the Lord. In the last pasuram, Periyazhvar mentions the fruit of singing these pasurams.
Pasuram 1 * pallANdu pallANdu pallAyiraththANdu * palkOdi nURAyiramum mallANda thinthOL maNivaNNA * un sEvadi sevvithiruk kAppu
Meaning: O Lord who destroyed the wrestlers with Your strong shoulders and having the dark blue emerald color. For many thousands of years and for many thousand Brahma years, thus for all time, may Your divine red feet's beauty be protected.
Pasuram 2 * adiyOmOdum ninnOdum, privinRi Ayiram pallANdu * vadivAy nin vala mArbinil, vAzhginRa mangaiyum pallANdu * vadivArsOthi valaththuRaiyum, sudarAzhiyum pallANdu * padaipOr pukku muzhangum, appAnjasanniyamum pallANdE
Meaning: All your servants (chetanas) starting from me be with You, our Lord without separation. This association should last forever. She who defines You and is present in the right side of Your divine chest, may that Mahalakshmi and other consorts be forever. Having the great light that is spread all over Your divine body, and being eternally in the divine right hand, and burning the enemies, may that Discus Sudarshana be forever. Entering and sounding with the armies in the battles, may that Conch Pancajanya, with limitless greatness, be forever.
Pasuram 3 vAzhAtpattu ninReeruLLeerEl, vandhu maNNum maNamum koNmin * kUzhAtpattu ninReergaLai, engaL kuzhuvinil puguthalottOm * EzhAtkAlum pazhippilOm nAngaL, irAkkadhar vAzh * ilangai pAzhALAgap padai porudhAnukkup, pallANdu kURudhumE
Meaning: If you who are steady in involvement in service to the Lord for upliftment are present, come join us. Carry the mud (for His utsavam); Be affectionate (to that utsavam). Those who are in service to others for their food, we will not allow in our group. We are for seven generations without any sins/mistakes. To that Lord who waged war taking the army (of monkeys) to Lanka where asuras lived whose men were destroyed to the roots, we sing His eternal glory.
Pasuram 4 Edunilaththil iduvathan munnam vandhu, engal kuzhAm pugunthu * kUdu manam udaiyeergaL, varambozhi vanthollaik kUduminO * nAdu nagaramum nangaRiya, namO nAryAnAyavenRu * pAdu manamudaip paththar uLLeer, vandhu pallANdu kURuminE
Meaning: (Giving up interest in kaivalya and) Coming to our group (who seek no other benefits), if you have the mind to join us before being pushed into the wrong land (kaivalya), having destroyed the goal of enjoying the soul alone and deciding to enjoy the complete experience, come quickly and join us. (Having joined us) Such that everyone in the cities and the countries understand your benefit say the Thirumanthra amidst the bhaktas who wish to sing. Join them (and) praise His glory.
Pasuram 5 aNdak kulaththukkathipathiyAgi, asurar irAkkadharai * iNdaik kulaththai eduththuk kaLaintha, irudeekEsan thanakku * thoNdak kulaththil uLLeer vanthadi thozuthu, Ayira nAmam solli * paNdaik kulaththaith thavirnthu, pallANdu pallAyiraththANdenminE
Meaning: To that Hrishikesa, who rules all the worlds, who destroyed the thronging crowds of asuras and rakshasas those who stay devoted! Removing your old habits (of seeking benefits) come join us. Worship His divine feet; Praise all His divine names; And praise His glory forever.
Pasuram 6 enthai thanthai thanthai thanthai tham mUththappan, EzhpadikAl thodangi * vandu vazhi vazhiyAt seyginROm * thiruvONath thiruvizhavil anthiyam pOthil ariyuruvAgi, ariyai azhiththavanai * panthanai theerap pallANdu, pallAyiraththANdenRu pAduthumE
Meaning: For seven generations of my father, his father and so on coming (at the right times) without missing form we are doing service. On the divine day with the star Sravana,in the beautiful dusk time, becoming Sri Narasimha to that Lord who killed the enemy (of the bhakta Prahlada), let us praise His glory, to remove the shiver (of being just born).
Pasuram 7 theeyiR polginRa sensudarAzhi, thigazh thirus cakkaraththin * kOyiR poRiyAlE oRRuNdu ninRu, kudikudiyAt seyginROm * mAyap porupadai vANanai, Ayiram thOLum pozhi kuruthi pAya * suzhaRRiya Azhi vallAnukkup pallANdu kURudhumE
Meaning: Of that round form's mark with Sudarshana, glowing with red light that is greater than the Sun, Moon and Fire, we were marked. For countless generations we have been doing service (to the Lord). Banasura, who had armies and fought using magic, from whose thousand hands, the fountaining blood poured out like a flood, by the spinning discus in the divine hand which is handled by the Lord. Let us praise His glory.
Pasuram 8 neyyedai nallathOr sORum, niyathamum aththANis sEvagamum * kaiyadaikkAyum kazhuththukkup pUNodu, kAdhukkuk kuNdalamum * meyyida nallathOr sAnthamum thandhu, ennai veLLuyirAkka valla * paiyudai nAgap pagaik kodiyAnukkup, pallANdu kURuvanE
Meaning: He gave to me (who seeks wealth due to rajas and thamas guNas) sweet food similar to ghee and different, growth to the eternal service, betel leaves in the hand, jewelry around the neck, ear rings, fragrant sandal that is rubbed on the body. Thus, I who lay caught in samsara, He has now made one with sattva guNas. To that Lord who has Garuda, the enemy of snakes, in His flag, I praise His glory.
Pasuram 9 uduththuk kaLaintha nin peethagavAdai uduththuk, kalaththathuNdu * thoduththa thuzhAy malar sUdik kaLainthana, soodum iththoNdargaLOm * viduththa thisaik karumam thiruththith, thiruvONath thiruvizhavil * paduththa painnAgaNaip paLLi koNdAnukkup pallANdu kURudhumE
Meaning: Wearing the yellow cloth that You wore and removed, eating the excess food in the vessel from which You ate, wearing the garland made of Thulasi flowers that You wore and removed, Your such servants (us) by Your order go in all directions and do Your service. To the Lord who rests on the snake bed that is spread down, on the divine day of Sravana, we praise His glory.
Pasuram 10 ennAL emberumAn, unthanakkadiyOm enRezhuththuppatta annALE * adiyOngaL adik kudil, veedu peRRuynthadhu kAN * sennAL thORRith, thirumadhuraiyuL silai kuniththu * ainthalaiya painnAgath thalaip pAyndhavanE, unnaip pallANdu kURudhumE
Meaning: O Lord! On the day the word that we became servants to You came in our tongues, from that day forward the coming generations of Your servants have attained the good result and upliftment. (O LOrd) Born in the good star, (Entering Kamsa's weaponry) who bent the bow and broke it in Mathura, and who jumped on the head of the snake Kalinga, having five heads with hoods! We praise Your glory.
Pasuram 11 * alvazhakkonRumillA, aNikOttiya kOn * abimAnathungan selvanaip pOlath, thirumAlE nAnum unakkup pazhavadiyEn * nalvagaiyAl namO nArAyaNAvenRu, nAmam pala paravi * palvagaiyAlum paviththiranE, unnaip pallANdu KURuvanE
Meaning: Sriman Narayana! Like that Selva Nambi,who is without any blemishes, who is the leader of the all in beautiful Thirukkottiyur, who is great in affection to Srivaishnavam, I too became an ancient servant To You. O Lord who is pure in all respects! Such that I get the good things, I recite the Thirumanthra, praise Your many divine names, and praise Your glory.
Pasuram 12 * pallANdenRu paviththiranaip, paramEttiyai * sArngamennum villANdAn thannai, villipuththUr vittusiththan virumbiya sol * nallANdenRu navinRuraippAr, namO nArAyaNAyavenRu * pallANdum paramAthmanais, sUzhnthirunthEththuvar pallANdE
Meaning: To the Lord who handles the bow called Sarngam, who is pure, who is in the divine abode, Periyazhvar born in Srivilliputtur has said this prabandham with affection. (Happy) That good times are now happening to them those who recite this prabandham all the time about Sriman Narayana, will forever surround Him reciting the Thirumanthra, and praise His glory.
ஸ்ரீ shri
பெரியாழ்வார் திருமொழி Periazhwar Thirumozhi
முதல் திருமொழி Mudal thirumozhi
திருப்பல்லாண்டு Thirpallnadu.
தனியன் Thaniyan
By Nathamuni- गुरुमुग मन्दीत्य ब्राह् वेदनासेशान नरपतिपरिक्लुप्तम् सुल्कमातादुकाम् :| स्वसु रममर्वन्थ्यं रङ्गनातस्य साक्षात द्विजकुलं तिलकं तं विष्णुचितं ||
Meaning--My salutations to Periaazhwar, Who had not learnt Vedas under a guru but was able to win a pot of gold owing to the blessings of Sriman Narayana, in a debate for scholars organised by king Vallabha devan ,by explaining all the Vedas lucidly. Even Devas can salute him He is Sri Ranganathar's father in law. He is like a Tilak to Brahmin clan. I bow before him.
By Pandia Bhattar-
மின்னார் தடமதிள்சூழ் வில்லிபுத்தூ ரென்றொருகால் சொன்னார் கழற்கமலம் சூடினோம் -முன்னாள் கிழியறுத்தா னென்றுரைத்தோம் கீழமையினிற் சேரும் வழியறுத்தோம் நெஞ்சமே !வந்து .
O heart!We wore the sacred feet of those who just once mentioned Srivalliputhur ,a place bounded by bright walls . We praised Periazhwar's deed of winning a pot of gold, Hence we escaped from doing lowly deeds which are obstacles in achieving Moksham.
பாண்டியன் கொண்டாடப் பட்டர்பிரான் வந்தானென்று ஈண்டிய சங்க மெடுத்தூத -வேண்டிய வேதங்கள் ளோதி விரைந்து கிழி யறுத்தா ன் பாதங்கள் யாமுடைய பற்று .
Meaning--The Pandiyan king Vallabha Devan rejoiced that Periazhwar had come for establishing as to who was the Supreme Being . When other scholars expounded their views Periazhwar castigated them and won over all those by giving befitting reply from Vedas. He then won the reward- a pot of gold. We take refuge under his sacred feet. __________-
- காப்பு kappu
1.* பல்லாண்டு பல்லாணடு பல்லாயிரத் தாண்டு பலகோடி நூறாயிரம் மல்லாண்ட திண்தோள் மணிவண்ணா !உன் செவ்வடி செவ்வி திருக்காப்பு .
Pasuram 1
Pallandu Pallandu Pallayirathandu Palakodi noorayiram, Mallanda thinthol manivanna , Vun sevadi sevee thirukappu!
For several years, several more years , for several thousands of years and for crores of lakhs of years . The strong shouldered blue hued victor of wrestlers .
May Your reddish sacred feet be well protected.
2.அடியோமோடும் நின்னோடும் பிரிவின்றி ஆயிரம் பல்லாண்டு , வடிவாய் நின்வல மார்பினில் வாழ்கின்ற மங்கையும் பல்லாண்டு , வடிவார் சோதி வலத்துறையும் சுடராழியும் பல்லாண்டு , படைப்போர்புக்கு முழங்கும் அப் பாஞ்சசன்னியமும் பல்லாண்டே .
Pasuram -2
Adyomodum ninnodum pirivindri aayiram pallandu, Vadivai ninvala marbinil vazhkindra mangaiyum pallandu, Vadivaar jothi valathuraiyum sudar aazhiyum pallandu, Padaiporukku muzhangum up paanjaya sanniyamum pallande !
Swamy !We the devout followers ,hope and pray that we be inseparable from You for several thousands of years.
That Mahalakshmi who has brought lustre to Your sacred self by residing permanently on the right side of Your chest continues to do so for several thousands of years .
That the bright and glowing chakra (disc) held in Your sacred right hand and the conch known as Paanjyasannium that roars in wars continues to do so for several thousands of years
In the following 3rd, 4th and 5th Pasurams Periazhwar invites 3 typesof devotees to support him in his endeavour to sing Bhagwan's praises in order to enable him to enlarge his enthusiasm and devotion to as many devotees as possible and thus deepen his spiritual experience and servitude to Bhagvan.
. The first type of persons are those whose devotion to Bhagwan is only with the aim of acquiring wealth.
The second type devotees are such persons who aim to free their atma's from the recurring cycle of birth and death and reach Kaivalyam or self bliss .
The third type of devotees are those who ceaselessly endeavour to attain Param Padam --the sacred lotus feet of the original cause of this universe and hope to be constantly at his service in Vaikuntam.
3. வாழாட்பட்டு நின்றீருள்ளீ ரேல் ,வந்து மண்ணும் மணமும் கொண்மின், கூழாட்பட்டு நின்றீர்களை எங்கள் குழுவினில் புகுதலொட்டோம் , ஏழாட்காலும் பழிப்பிலோம் நாங்கள் இராகத்தர்வாழ் இலங்கை, பாழாளாகப் படை பொருதானுக்குப் பல்லாண்டு கூறுதுமே .
Pasuram 3.
Vaazhatpattu ninreerul yerel vandhu mannum manamum konnmin, khoozhatpattu ninreergalai yengal khuzhuvinil pughudhalottom, yezhatkalamum pazhipiilom nangal, irrakathar vazh illangai , pazhalaga padai porutha nukku pallandu koorudhume'.
[In this pasuram Periazhwar invites the third type of devotees]
All of you who are firm and determined in your ceaseless devotion to reach the scared feet of One who is the cause of life and to be of servitude to Him for eternity , kindly participate whole heartedly in the on going festival of the deity by inaugurating it by fetching fragrant soil. We who spend our lives serving Bhagwan will not allow all such persons who have enslaved themselves to outsiders in order to satisfy their material greed. Our honour and prestige rests in the fact that in the seven generations preceding us we have no stain attached to our name nor was our nature ever called to disrepute. Let us all pray together that Bhagwan who annihilated all the Rakshasas living in Lanka with the help of His army, retains his auspiciousness for years to come and that His sacred feet is protected for crores of Lakh.s of years .
Pasuram 4. ஏடு நிலத்தில் இடுவதன் முன்னம் வந்து எங்கள் குழாம் புகுந்து கூடு மனமுடையீர்கள் வரம்பொழி வன்தொல்லை கூடுமினோ நாடும் நகரமும் நன்கறிய நமோநாராயணாய வென்று பாடும் மனமுடை பத்தருள்ளீர் !வந்து பல்லாண்டு கூறுமினோ .
Yedu nilathil idavathan munnam vandhu yengal kuzhaam pugundhu , koodu manamudaieergal varam pozhi vanthollai koodu meeno. Naadu nagaramum nangariya Namo Narayana yendru paadum mannamudai patharooleer! Vandhu pallandu koorumeeno.
[In this pasuram Periazhwar invites the second type of devotees]
Before your efforts in separating your cream like atma from the mortal body ,so as to make it reach the self-satisfying land of no return known as Kaivalyam fructifies , Make haste to join our group, And then announce to the country and city the good tidings and auspicious benefits that you would be in receipt of by chanting Namo Narayana , along with the devotees. And also pray for Bhagwaan's reign to continue for several crores of centuries without any break ,
Pasuram 5. அண்டக் குலத்துக்கு அதிபதியாகி ,அசுரர் இராக்கதரை இண்டை குலத்தை எடுத்து களைந்து இருடீகேசன் தனக்கு தொண்டை குலத்தில் உள்ளீர் !வந்தடி தொழுது ஆயிர நாமம் சொல்லி பண்டைக் குலத்தைத் தவிர்ந்து பல்லாண்டு பல்லாயிரத் தண்டெ ண்மினோ.
Andai kullathikku adhipadhiyagi asurar irrakatharai, indai kulathu yeduthu kalaindha Irudikesan thanakku , thondai kullathil ulleer ! Vandhadi thozhudhu aayiram naamum solli, pandai kulathai thavirthu , pallandu pallaayirathaandu yenmeeno!
[In this pasuram Periazhwar invites the first type of devotees]
All those persons who are aspiring for wealth and are therefore constantly meditating on Hrishikesa ,the destroyer of enemies , demons and rakshasas and Lord of universe , so as to gain more and more wealth .
Discard this materialistic pursuit and join the devotees who are at all times worshipping His sacred feet and chant His 1000 names along with us,to gain spiritual wealth.
And pray that Bhagwan's sacred feet will be protected for several years , nay for several 1000's of years and for crores of lakhs of years.
Pasuram 6.
எந்தை தந்தை தந்தை தந்தை தம் மூத்தப்பன் ஏழ்படிகால் தொடங்கி வந்து வழி வழியாட் செய்கின்றோம் திருவோணத் திருவிழவில் அந்தியும் போதில் அரியுருவாகி அரியை யழித்தவனை பந்தனை தீரப் பல்லாண்டு பல்லாயிரத் தாண்டென்று பாடுதுமே .
Yendai thandai thandai thandai thum moothappan yezhpadi kaal thodangi , vandhu vazhi vazhiyaat seigindrom Thiruvona thiruvizhavil ,
andhiyam podhil Arivuruvagi Ariyai pazhithavanai , panthanai theera pallandu.pallayirathu andu yendru paduthume'
[In this pasuram the third type of devotees who meditate and worship Bhagwan with the aim of reaching the residence of the sacred feet of the original cause and to serve him, give thier reply to Periazhwar's invitation]
For the past seven generations which comprises of my father , his father, my grand father's father , and great grand father's father, and his father and grand father have been serving Bhagwan !
We will sing and pray that Narsimha who destroyed Hiranya kasupu in the twilight of the sacred day of Thiruvonam will be protected for many years and many thousand of years to come and for crores of lakhs of years to come.
Pasuram 7. தீயிற் பொலிகின்ற செஞ்சுடராழித் திகழ் திருச்சக்கரத்தின் கோயிற் பொறியாலே யொற்றுண்டு நின்று குடிகுடியாட் செய்கின்றோம் மாயப் பொருபடைவாணனை ஆயிரந்தோளும் பொழிகுருதி பாய சுழற்றியவாழி வல்லானுக்குப் பல்லாண்டு கூறுதுமே .
Theeir polikindra senjsudaraazi thigazh thiruchakrathin , koyir poriyale ottrunddu nindru kudi kudiyat seigindrom , maya porupaddai vaananai aayiramtholum pozhi kurudhi , Paya chuzhatri vaazhi vallanukku, Pallandu koorudhume'
[This pasuram refers to the change of heart of those seeking self enjoyment of Atma to servitude at Bhagwan's feet]
We have now emblazoned our shoulders by heating the chakra symbol and thus bear chakra's brilliance which is more radiant than fire and is deep red in hue, And our entire family is serving the conqueror [Sri Krishna] who annihilated the thousand shoulders of wicked Vannasura by whirling and aiming His chakra that made that asura's blood gush out and flow rapidly, We will sing Bhagwans praises and pray for the protection of His sacred feet for crores of lakhs of years .
Pasuram 8.
நெய்யிடை நல்லதோர்சோறும் நியதமுமத்தாணிச் சேவகமும் கையடைக்காயும் கழுத்துக்குப் பூணொடு காதுக்குக் குண்டலமும் மெய்யிட நல்லதோர் சாந்தமும் தந்து என்னை வெள்ளுயிராக்கவல்ல பையுடை நாகப்பகைக் கொடியானுக்குப் பல்லாண்டு கூறுவனே .
Neiyidai nalladhor sorum niyadhamum thanni sevagamum , kaiyadai kaayum kazhuthukku poonodu kadhukku kundalamum , meiyida nalladhor santhamum thandhu yennai velluyirakavala, paiyudai nagapagai kodiyaanukku , Pallandu kooruvene'
[In this pasuram the first type of devotees relate how they are serving Bhagwan after enjoying wealth bestowed on them ]
'O' Swamy ,You bestowed upon me equal measures of rice and ghee in large quantities and blessed us daily from the place of Your repose, You also gave betul leaf and arcenut as well as ornaments to be worn like rings for the ears , chains for the neck and bracelets to adorn the hands, You also gave special high quality sandal wood paste to smear on my body as desired by me. You also made the pure white satvic knowledge to stream upon a householder like me. One who has the arch enemy of the cobra in His flag, I pray that Your sacred feet will be protected for several crores of lakhs of years to come.
Note: arch enemy of serpent cobra is Garuda the white crested eagle ,the vehicle of MahaVishnu.
Pasuram 9.
உடுத்துக் களைந்த நின்பீதக வாடையுடுத்துக் கலத்ததுண்டு தொடுத்த துழாய் மலர் சூடிக் களைந்தன சூடுமித் தொண்டர்களோம் விடுத்த திசைக் கருமந்திருத்தித் திருவோணத் திருவிழவில் படுத்த பைந்நாகணைப் பள்ளி கொண்டானுக்குப் பல்லாண்டு கூறுதுமே .
Udduthu kalaindha nin peedhaga vaadaiuddhuthu kalathundu, thodutha thuzhai malar choodi kalaindhana soodumith thondargalom , viddutha disai karumanthiruthiThiruvona thiruvizhavil , paduthu painnaganai palli kondanakku, Pallandu koorudhume.
[This pasuram is sung by gyani's --the third type of devotees]
We wear the golden yellow vastra's or garments known as Pithambaram worn and discarded by You, We eat that which has been partaken and left over by You and adorn ourselves with the garland of fragrant flowers which have adorned You first and then discarded by You. We have also performed all such duties as directed by You and are yet dissatisfied , Fear grips us for the safety of Your beautiful form reclining on the serpent Adisesha and therefore pray on Thiruvonam day, the star of Your birthday that Your sacred self and feet be well protected for crores of lakhs of years to come.
Pasuram 10
எந்நாளலெம் பெருமான் உன்றனக்கடியோ மென் றெழுத்துப்பட்ட அந்நாளே அடியோங்களடிக்குடில் வீடு பெற்றுய்ந்தது காண் செந்நாள் தோற்றித் திருமதுரையூட் சிலை குனித்து ஐந்தலைய பைந்நாகத் தலைப் பாய்ந்தவனே!உன்னை பல்லாண்டு கூறுதுமே . Yennalum peruman undranakadiyo menrezhudapatta, annale adiyong kaladikudil veedu petruindhakaan, sennal thotri thiruMadurai ut silai kunithu aiyinthalayai painaga thalai paindavane!,unnai Pallandu koorudhume.
[The kaivalya devotees the second type of devotees admit their reformation]
'O' Swamy , the day we surrendered to Your sacred feet that day itself we and our families were freed from our quest of self enjoyment--kaivalyam, You appeared on the day of Rohini star [as Krishna] in Mathura and bent and broke the bow in kamsa's arsenal, and jumped on the head of the five hooded serpent We pray that Your sacred feet is protected for several crores of lakhs of years.
Pasuram 11,
அல்வழக்கொன்றுமில்லா அணிக்கோடியர்கோன் அபிமானதுங்கன் செல்வனைப் போலத் திருமாலே !நானும் உனக்குப் பழவடியேன் , நல்வகையால் நமோ நாராயணாவென்று நாமம் பல பரவி , பல்வகையாலும் பவித்திரனே !உன்னை பல்லாண்டு கூறுவேனே .
Alvazhaikku vondrum illa anni kotiyur abhimanathungan selvanai pol Thirumale, naanum unnakku pazhavadiyen nalvagaiyal Namo Narayana yendru nammumpala paravi palvagaiyallum Pavithrane ! Unnai Pallandu kooruvene.
[In this pasuram all those devotees who were praying only for gaining wealth tell about their reformation]
'O'Bhagwan ,Selva nambi is the leader of all inhabitants of Thirukotiyur , the place that has not witnessed any injustice ,He is brimming with the Sri vaishnavaite pride and honour at being Your slave. Similarily I too have enslaved myself to You ,Oh Sriman Narayana! 'O' Infinetly sacred One, I shall chant NamoNarayana and also recite all Your sacred names and slokas and reap good merits hereafter, I will also pray that Your sacred feet is well protected for several crores of lakhs of years
Note:--Selva Nambi was a close friend of Periazhwar .He held a important position in Pandya king's court.It was Selva nambi who invited his friend to take part in a debate in that rulers court and clear some doubts of the king . Periazhwar won the religious debate and cleared the doubts of the ruler who gifted him gold coins and bestowed the tittle Periyazhwar, who was till then known as Vishuchittar. It was when he was honoured by being taken around the capital in a caprisoned royal elephant that he is said to have seen Vishnu on Garuda who had come in person to see his devotee , who had established his primacy .Seeing his beautiful form Periazhwar .sang Pallandu so that no one may cast their eyes on Perumal's beauty and powers.
பல்லாண்டென்று பவித்திரனைப் பரமேட்டியை சார்ங்கமென்னும் வில்லாண்டான்றன்னை வில்லிபுத்தூர் விட்டுசித்தன் விரும்பியச்சொல் நல்லாண்டென்று நவின்றுரைப்பார் நமோநராயணாய வென்று பல்லாண்டும் பரமாத்மனைச் சூழ்ந்திருந்தேத்துவார் பல்லாண்டே .
Pallandu endra Pavitharanai Parametiyai Saranga yenum villandan thannai Villiputhur Vittu chithan virumbiasol , Nallaandaan yendru navindru oraippar Namo Naryana yendru Pallandu Paramathmanai choozhindhu thethuvar Pallande
[This pasurum relates the benifit of reciting all the above pasurams]
The sacred Bhagwan the resident of Parama padam [Vaikuntum] who possesses the bow Sarangam has His auspicious qualities and splendour decribed in the hymn Pallandu by Vishnu chithar, the resident of Srivalli puthur. Periazhwar has written these pasurams owing to his compassion towards us all . All those who recite the above pasurams and chant Namo Narayana with the belief that good days have dawned upon us will reach the abode of Paramathma , the one and only atma .On reaching His abode worship Him by reciting His sacred names and also pray that His sacred feet is protected for crores of lakhs of years to come. ஆழ்வார் திருவடிகளே சரணம் aazhwar thiru adigale saranam I surrender at the sacred feet of Aazhwarr
சீரார் தூப்புல் திரு வேங்கடமுடையான் திருவடிகளே சரணம்
Seerar Tupul Thiru Vengadamudaiyan thruvadigale saranam I surrender at the sacred feet of Tupul ThiruVengadamudaiyan-- Tupul Sri Desikan