Let’s revise the rule.. Remember the text about Kate’s family and complete the sentences with can or can’t.. Look at the table and write sentences with can/can’t.. Ask and answer questions about what Andrew, Lara and Jack and Sue can/can’t do.
Tuesday, the seventeenth of November Classwork 1. Let’s revise the rule. Глагол can обозначает возможность, способность, умение делать что-либо. Глагол can не изменяется по лицам и числам и за ним всегда следует смысловой глагол без частицы to.
2. Watch a video “ Модальный глагол CAN” 3. Remember the text about Kate’s family and complete the sentences with can or can’t. a) Jane … play the guitar. b) Emma … walk. c) Helen … make cookies. d) David … speak Russian. e) Ben … make people laugh.
4. Look at the table and write sentences with can/can’t.
a) Andrew can sing and play the piano but he can’t … . b) Lara ………………………………………………… c) Jack and Sue ………………………………………..
5. Ask and answer questions about what Andrew, Lara and Jack and Sue can/can’t do. Example: Can Andrew sing? – Yes, he can. Can he draw? – No, he can’t. 6. Homework. Write what you can/can’t do using the following verbs: cook well, dance, play football, paint, play computer games, speak English.