Match the headings to the texts. One heading is extra. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Match the headings to the texts. One heading is extra. The 8th of March Ivan Kupala Day The 1st of September Victory Day Tatyana’s Day Easter
1. It’s a great holiday which we celebrate in our country on the 9th of May. On this day we honour war veterans who defeated our country during the Great Patriotic War. We are proud of them. People give veterans flowers. We watch the parade in Red Square, in the heart of Moscow, on TV. In the evening colourful fireworks are set off all over the country. 2. There is a good tradition in our country to give presents and flowers to women on this day. Each family celebrates this spring holiday. We celebrate it in the first month of spring. Men make preparations: they cook special food, clean flats, help women so they can have a rest on this festival day. There are a lot of tulips at the florist’s on this holiday. 3. The symbols of this religious holiday are eggs, candles and special cakes. People celebrate it in many European countries. They go to the church and bring cakes, beautifully decorated eggs, salt, cheese, ham there. Some people believe that these eggs protect them from evil. Families have festive dinners and enjoy delicious meal after the Great Lent. 4. Students, teachers, professors in universities celebrate this day every year in winter. They take part in many activities. They visit concerts, competitions, exhibitions. Students also make special performances. This holiday is named after a woman, the patron saint of all students. 5. It is an ancient celebration. It takes place on the 7th of July. Children had playful water fights on this day. Girls made wreaths of flowers and threw them into the river. They think it brings them happiness. In the past people burned fires and jumped over them in the evenings. They had fun. Victory –победа Honour –чтить, почитать Heart-сердце Church- церковь Preparation-приготовление Tulip-тюльпан Exhibition-выставка Patron saint-святой покровитель Wreath-венок Fight-бой, драка, схватка