Неделя 7 Тема: Environment of the international relations system ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Неделя 7 Тема: Environment of the international relations system Практическоые занятие №7 Содержание практического занятия:
3.Current threats and challenges to international relations After the end of the Cold War, great powers (except the United States), when solving security problems, are primarily guided by regional interests. Rivalry between the major powers in the regions and the world has grown. As Ch. Kaphen notes: “The resumption of rivalry and conflicts between the world's major powers is undoubtedly predetermined. And most of all, America will contribute to this if it begins to impose its views on terrorism, relying on the fact that an inclusive peace continues. Instead, America should realize that the superiority and stability that nurtured it are already beginning to slip away. Europe is in the midst of a revolutionary process of political and economic integration that is gradually eliminating the importance of external borders and leading to a concentration of power in Brussels. The number of conflicts and local wars (the outbreak of national conflicts and the growth of tensions in Europe and the Balkans, the Middle East, on the border between India and Pakistan, in South Asia, in Africa) has increased, since the mechanisms that contained them during the Cold War have disappeared. Most of the local conflicts were not resolved, their negative potential accumulated, and when “supervision” disappeared in the form of the US and the USSR opposing each other, the conflicts were exposed threateningly. Fragmentation and regionalization are confronted by powerful centripetal forces that are increasing the drive for global strategic connectivity, as evidenced by the following facts: he threat to national security is becoming more and more diverse and is no longer exclusively military. Global problems such as the growing stocks of weapons of mass destruction, international terrorism, organized violence and armed conflicts, massive poverty in developing countries, environmental degradation, refugee flows, drugs, crime, carry with them global threats that can only be countered by collective efforts. ... These problems cannot be solved by military force alone or by means of a separate nation state. A global mechanism for coordination and cooperation between countries is needed. The second fact confirming the trend towards global interconnectedness is that in many regions there is a gradual shift towards joint defense or multilateral security measures. At present, military globalization, threats and challenges of a global nature force us to seriously rethink the idea of national security and its practical implementation. The doctrine of national security remains one of the most important principles of modern statehood. n the modern world, security is provided by the United Nations Organization, which can be called an intergovernmental organization of the global level. A state's belonging to the UN (there are 192 UN member states) theoretically presupposes participation in the global regime of collective security. The Security Council, as the main structure of the UN (the Security Council includes five permanent members - Great Britain, China, Russia, the United States, France, with veto rights, and ten non-permanent members elected by the UN General Assembly for two years) considers and makes decisions on the most complex problems in the field regional and global security. The UN was created in 1945. During the entire period of the Cold War, the UN carried out only 15 missions: the UN peacekeeping forces in the Middle East, Cyprus, the UN operation in the Congo, UN observation missions in India and Pakistan, Yemen, etc. The UN has now stepped up its peacekeeping efforts. In the future, it is possible that new organizations of a global level will appear, each of which will specialize in preventing any one of the many and gradually gaining strength global threats to the modern world.