SEMINAR IV. Activities ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 SEMINAR IV Questions: 1. Listening as a Fundamental Skill: Benefits of Effective Listening. 2. Listening as a Process: Defining the Term. 3. Functions of Listening. 4. Assimilating Information. 5. Types of Listening. 6. Models of Listening. 7. Factors Influenced the Listening Process: Reductionism. 8. Factors Influenced the Listening Process: Rationalisation & Change in the Order of Events. 9. Facets of Listening: the Listener. 10. Facets of Listening: the Speaker. 11. Facets of Listening: the Message. 12. Facets of Listening: the Environment. 13. Obstacles of Effective Listening. 14. Active Listening. 15. Guidelines to Improve Listening Skills.
1. Describe a time when you listened well. How do you know you listened well? Where were you? Who were you with? What were your goals? Did you adapt your listening to the situational, cultural, or relational context? What can you learn from this successful listening experience to guide you in future listening challenges? 2. Keep a log of how you “listen” with technology. Is it easier – or more difficult – for you to select, attend, remember, understand, and respond? Compare your experiences with friends. Do some of your friends or family prefer the technology or do they value face-to-face listening more? References: 1. Owen Hargie and David Dickson, Skilled interpersonal communication. Research, theory and practice. Fourth edition. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group. London – New York, 2005. (p. 169 – 195).