


Случайная статья

Listening. Grammar


Name.............................................................. Class..............................................................
Hot Spot 2 – Module 2, Test A
Module 2, Test A


1 Listen to Lidia. Are the sentences True or False?

1 Lidia helps her mum every day. T / F

2 She makes her bed at the weekend. T / F

3 Sometimes she takes the dog for a walk on
Saturdays. T / F

4 She meets her friends in the park twice a
week. T / F

5 She likes shopping with her mum. T / F

6 Sometimes she helps her mum cook dinner.
T / F

7 Once or twice a week her dad cooks dinner.     T / F

Score    /6

2 Choose the correct words.

1 empty / tidy the bin

2 make / tidy your bed

3 go / take the dog for a walk

4 wash / tidy your room

5 do / go the washing up

6 wash / vacuum the carpet

7 make / wash the car

8 go / make shopping

9 surf / swim the internet

Score    /8
3 Match the pictures with the words.

         a                 b              c

      d          e           f              g

1 lorry           _d_

2 rubbish      ___ 6 paper             ___

3 metal cans ___ 7 cardboard boxes ___

4 plastic bottles ___ 

Score    /6
5 glass jars   ___



4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words.

tidy   wear   not have go   make    brush
1 Marina is tidyingaaaaaa her room.

2 Gita _____________ her hair.

3 Magda and Nina _____________ shopping.

4 Marco _____________ a shower.

5 Rudi _____________ new jeans.

6 Gordon and Yola _____________ the bed.

Score    /5
5 Complete the sentences with these words.

once evening every usually how times  
1 I hang out with friends everyaaaaa

2 _____________ often does he go to the

3 Jack lays the table for dinner every


4 I surf the internet three _____________ a

5 Maria tidies her room _____________ a

Score    /5
6 They _____________ do their homework
before dinner.

6 Choose the correct words.

1 Daniela  is playing  / plays tennis now.

2 Polly is eating / eats some chocolate now.

3 Rita and Karl sometimes have / are having
pizza for lunch.

4 Tony and Pat are doing / do their homework

5 Adam usually is watching / watches TV in
the evening.

Score    /5
6 Jeff is outside. He is playing / plays football.

Hot Spot 2 – Module 2, Test A  
7 Read the text and answer the questions.

My name’s Anka and my parents have a small café in Lublin, Poland. I live in a large flat above the café with my mum, dad, sister and brother. At the weekend, we often help my mum and dad in the café. I usually help mum lay the tables and sometimes I do the washing up. My dad does all the cooking and my brother usually helps him in the kitchen. He empties the bin and he sweeps the floor. But he sometimes helps with the cooking, too. There’s a nice garden behind the café, and in the summer we put tables and chairs outside so that people can sit in the garden. My sister helps take the food to their tables. And then she helps me do the washing up.

1 Where do Anka and her family live?

The live in a flat above the café.aaaaaaaaaa

2 When does Anka help her parents in the café?


3 How does Anka help her mum?


4 Who does all the cooking?


5 What does Anka’s brother do?


6 What does Anka’s sister do?


Score    /5


8 Write about how Liuz helps at home. Use the notes to help you.

every morning lay table
sometimes help cook dinner
once a week empty bin
twice a week do the washing up
weekends make the bed, tidy room
never do shopping


















Score    /5


TOTAL     /45



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