Составь предложение по образцу.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Контрольная работа №2 по теме: «Рабочий день» 1 вариант 1. Составь предложение по образцу.
e.g. A teacher works at school. He teaches students. 1. … 2. … 3. … 4. … 5. … 2. Прочитай и ответь на вопросы. My Uncle Sam is a clown. He works at a circus in Edinburgh. Uncle Sam wears colourful costumes when he works. He makes people laugh. A lot of people go to the circus he works at. I think my uncle is funny! 1. What does Uncle Sam do? 2. Where does he work? 3. Does he wear colourful costumes at work? 4. What does he do at work? 5. Is he funny? 3. Выбери правильный вариант. 1. Jessica have / has to go shopping every Saturday. 2. My brother and I has / have to wear a school uniform. 3. Violet and Harry has / have to make breakfast for their little sister. 4. Ben have / has to wash the car on Friday. 5. I don’t / doesn’t have to get up early. 4. Сделай предложение отрицательным. e.g. She has to feed the dog. – She doesn’t have to feed the dog. 1. A teacher has to work at night. 2. They have to come to school on Sunday. 3. Peter has to play violin every day. 4. You have to help me. 5. Kim has to be polite. 5. Переведи предложения. 1. Do you have to go to school? 2. Do you have to get up early on weekdays? 3. Does your dad have to wear a uniform at work? 4. Do your grandparents have to go to work? 5. Does your mum have to wash the dishes? Контрольная работа №2 по теме: «Рабочий день» 2 вариант