ASSIGNMENTS ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
THE HAPPIEST PERSON IN BRITAIN (1) The happiest person in Britain today is a professional married mon between the ages of 35 and 54.He lives in the south of England but not in London. He owns a comfortable detached house and has two children. (2) He has a steady job in an office in London. After a hard day at work, he relaxes in front of the television or watches a video. He doesn't go out every evening but two evenings a week lie meets friends for a drink in the local pub. He owns a pet, usually a dog and takes it for a walk every day after work. He spends on average & 120 per week. (3) At the weekend, he regularly eats in restaurants, goes to sec shows, and plays a sport (usually golf) Most weekends he puts on a pair of old blue jeans, and works in the garden He usually goes on holiday abroad more than once a year. (4) His wife is happy, but not quite as happy. She runs the home and has a job, but she doesn't earn as much money as her husband.
ASSIGNMENTS 1. Transcribe these words and translate them into Russian:
2. Translate the following lexical units into Russian: 1) to be born into a family of lawyers 2) to discuss professional matters 3) to choose a career 4) to marry somebody 5) a hard day at work 6) to go out 7) to own a pet 8) to spend money on something 9) at the weekend 10) to work in the garden 11) to go on holiday abroad 12) once a year 13) to run the home 14) to cam much money
3. a) Derive abstract nouns from the words given:
b) Build up adjectives having the same root with the words given:
4. Group the words according to their part-of-speech characteristics: happy, spend, weekend, regularly, person, family, competitive, have, my, his, fully, great, very, always, into, everybody, marry, of, he, home, comfortable, between, usually.
5. Tick off the true statements (see the text above):
6. Answer the questions: 1) What kind of job does the happiest man in Britain have? 2) What kind of family docs he have? 3) What are his hobbies? 4) What does he do at the weekend? 5) How much does he spend a week? 6) Where docs he live? 7) What does his wife do? 8) Is his wife as happy as he is?
7. Translate the 2 paragraph into Russian.
8. Write down the plural form of the following nouns:
9. Build up and write down word-groups expressing belonging: Example: Kate + book > Kate’s book
10. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary (the definite, the indefinite and the zero articles): MY BEST FRIEND I would like lo cell you about my friends. I have got (1) a lot of them, but my best friend is Marina. She is (2) my school-mate. We have been studying together in one form all the eleven years of our school-life. She is 20. We have much in common. Marina is pretty in her own way. She is thin and slender, not very bill. Her hair is red and straight, her face is oval and her forehead is high. She has (3) turned-up nose and beautiful green eyes with (4) bushy eyebrows. Marina is as good as (5) gold. Warm-hearted and gentle, quiet and well-bred. Everyone loves her. She is always well-dressed and neat. She is always ready to help (6) people, when they are in (7) need. Marina is the only daughter of her parents and they adore her .Nevertheless she is not selfish. I like to be around her, because she knows a lot of (8) interesting stories and (9) funny jokes. She is fond of (10) reading. Marina goes in for sports. She plays (11) tennis and swims. Now she is doing well at the University and it seems to me that all (12) subjects come equally easy to her. This year she is graduating from (13) University and is going to be (14) doctor I hope she will make (15) good doctor. We always meet at the weekends. We discuss (I6) books or listen to music. I always enjoy (17) lime spent together with my friend. I am happy to have such (18) friend as Marina I am sure we shall be (19) friends forever.
11. Transform the given sentences changing the person and number of the subject and using the predicate verb a) in the Present Indefinite Tense:
12. Transform the given sentences so as to refer the action to the future:
13. Describe your best friend answering the following questions: 1) Do you have many friends? 2) Who is your best friend? 3)' When did you make friends? 4) How old is he/she? 5) Where was he/she born? 6) Where does he/she live now? 7) Does he/she study at the University (or at any other educational institution)? 8) Does he/she work anywhere? 9) What is his her (future) occupation? 10) What is your friend's hobby? 11) Is he/she married?
14. Analyze the syntactic structure of the following sentences: MODEL: Last year mv best friend entered the Law Academy. 1) He owns a comfortable detached house in Surrey. 2) At the weekend, he regularly plays football 3) Tie happiest person in Britain today is a professional married man. 4) Me has a steady job in an office in London. 5) She will make a good doctor. 15. Ask questions about the situations described with the help of the sentences given above (see ex. 14). MODEL: Last year my best friend entered the Law Academy. General question: Did your best friend enter the Law Academy last year? An alternative question: Did he enter the Law Academy or the Medical Academy? A question to the subject: Who entered the law Academy last year? Special questions: When did he enter the Law Academy? What Academy did he enter ? Disjunctive question: My best friend entered the law Academy last year, didn't he?