Read the rule.. Choose the correct word.. Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun as in the example. Write them down into your exercise books.. Translate from Russian into English.. HomeworkСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Tuesday, the tenth of November Classwork 1. Read the rule. Притяжательные местоимения указывают на принадлежность кого-то или чего-то и отвечают на вопрос Чей? Чья? Чьи? Они образуются от личных местоимений.
2. Choose the correct word. a) That is they/their house. b) This is her/she book. c) Is this our/we wardrobe? d) This isn’t you/your bed. e) That is he/his desk.
3. Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun as in the example. Write them down into your exercise books. Example: I am a student. This is my book. a) This is Sandra. This is …………. room. b) Those are Bill and Jim. They have a wardrobe in …………. bedroom. c) That is a living room . ………… window is not very big. d) Mary lives in a flat. ……………. flat is on the third floor. e) Jack and I are brothers. ……….. house is in Green Street. f) Ben and Ann have got a sofa in the living room. …………….. sofa is nice.
4. Translate from Russian into English. А) Мой дом, наша спальня, его книги, твоя кровать, её зеркало, их книжный шкаф; В) Мой дом большой и красивый. Наша спальня на втором этаже. Его книги очень интересные. Её зеркало маленькое. Их книжный шкаф в гостиной.
5. Homework a) Learn the rule. b) Write the sentences from ex. 4 (classwork) down into your exercise books.