Learn new words.. Read the text and fill in the missing words.. Read the text one more time and choose the correct variant.. Study the table and answer the questions.
Thursday, the twelfth of November Classwork 1. Learn new words. semi- detached house- дом, имеющий общую стену с другим домом upstairs- наверху downstairs- внизу glass- стекло marble- мрамор brick- кирпич stone- камень central heating- центральное отопление back- задний front- передний
2. Read the text and fill in the missing words.
Hi, my name is John and I’m 1) … England. My house is a semi-detached house made of bricks. In my house there are three rooms downstairs and three rooms upstairs. Downstairs, there 2) … a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Some houses 3) … got a fireplace in the living room but we haven’t got one. We’ve got central heating 4) … all the rooms. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms and a bathroom. All the rooms have got carpets to keep us warm. Outside 5) … house there is a back garden 6) … a front garden with a lot of flowers.
3. Read the text one more time and choose the correct variant. The boy’s name is … He has got … rooms in his house. a) Jack a) three b) John b) seven c) James c) six He is from… He has got a … in all his rooms. a) France a) fireplace b) Germany b) central heating c) England c) flowers His house is made of … There are … gardens outside the house. a) stone a) two b) bricks b) three c) glass c) four 4. Study the table and answer the questions.
a) What type of a house is it? b) What rooms are there inside the house? c) What can you see outside the house? d) Are there any special features in the house?
5. Homework a)
b) Fill in the table using the information from the previous text as in ex.4 (classwork)