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Шетел тілінің базалық курсы (В2 деңгейі) Абдразакова А.А.
$$$ 1 Any of the educational institutions may be either public or ______: A) Municipal. B) State. C) Local. D) High. E) Private.
$$$ 2 At the age of 11 most children in England go to a ______ school where they stay until they are 16: A) Comprehensive. B) Junior. C) Primary. D) Grammar. E) Infant.
$$$ 3 Comprehensive schools in England enroll pupils without ______ to their ability or aptitude: A) Consideration. B) Reference. C) Implying. D) Taking. E) Understanding.
$$$ 4 The oldest and best known public school for boys in Great Britain is ______: A) Bath. B) Cambridge. C) Oxford. D) Eton. E) Nourish.
$$$ 5 ______ usually run from September to early January and late January to late May: A) Disciplines. B) Weeks. C) Semesters. D) Academic years. E) Subjects.
$$$ 6 What are boarding schools in Britain? : A) Pupils are trained simple professions there. B) These schools usually combine all types of schools. C) They are nursery schools. D) They are higher educational establishments. E) Pupils can live there during the term time.
$$$ 7 The first stage of compulsory education in Kazakhstan is ______: A) Secondary. B) Technical. C) High. D) Vocational. E) Primary.
$$$ 8 Secondary education is ______ in Kazakhstan: A) Compulsory. B) Voluntary. C) Not Compulsory. D) Technical. E) Medical.
$$$ 9 What level of education is compulsory in Britain?: A) Pre-school education. B) Secondary education. C) Higher education. D) Further education. E) Post-graduate education.
$$$ 10 What is the first stage of the education system of Kazakhstan? : A) Pre-school education. B) Higher education. C) Further education. D) Secondary education. E) Elementary education.
$$$ 11 Choose the correct variant: Schools only for boys or girls are called ______: A) Punishment. B) Education system. C) Compulsory. D) Single-sex. E) Learning certificate.
$$$ 12 Ann told me that she ______ them to arrive so soon and was very much surprised when they had: A) Didn't expect. B) Hadn't expected. C) Doesn't expect. D) Expect. E) Is expecting.
$$$ 13 She asked me about my schedule for the next week and I answered that I ______ it yet: A) Hadn't known. B) Didn’t know. C) Wouldn't know. D) Would. E) Will.
$$$ 14 I wondered how many people ______ to the parents' meeting the day before: A) Would come. B) Came. C) Had come. D) Has come. E) Has been come.
$$$ 15 What can Universities provide for those students who are from other cities and have no place to live? : A) Tents. B) Houses. C) Flats. D) Dormitories. E) Degree.
$$$ 16 What student is called a full-time student? : A) A student who studies free of charge and get a scholarship. B) A student who has only excellent marks. C) A master student. D) A student who usually doesn’t work and studies a full academic year. E) A graduate.
$$$ 17 What does the word “a freshman” mean? : A) A student at the first course. B) A student at the second course. C) A student at the third course. D) A student at the fourth course. E) A student at the last course.
$$$ 18 What does the word “a sophomore” mean? : A) A student at the first course. B) A student at the second course. C) A student at the third course. D) A student at the fourth course. E) A student after graduation of the university.
$$$ 19 What do students do during examination period? : A) Attend lectures. B) Have a rest. C) Take exams. D) Participate in university social activities. E) Take part in student conferences.
$$$ 20 At the end of the term students often take ______: A) Ice-cream. B) Books. C) Copy books. D) Exams. E) Pens.
$$$ 21 How are schools financed by the government called? : A) Private. B) Poor. C) Governmental. D) State. E) Prestigious.
$$$ 22 Choose the correct answer: What is a dormitory? : A) A language laboratory. B) A reading – room of the library. C) A teaching staff. D) A building where students can live while they study at the university. E) A sum of money paid for the education.
$$$ 23 Match the word to the following definition: A place to borrow books: A) Tuition. B) Cafeteria. C) Time-table. D) Registration. E) Library.
$$$ 24 Tom said “We will come at 7 p.m.”. Tom said that they ______ at 7 p.m.: A) Come. B) Would come. C) Came. D) Will come. E) Have come.
$$$ 25 Mr Sanford ______ that his son is going to London: A) Tell. B) Say. C) Told. D) Says. E) Is saying.
$$$ 26 He said, “I was working at 5 o’clock.”: A) He said that he had been working at 5 o’clock. B) He said that I was working at 5 o’clock. C) He asked that I was working at 5 o’clock. D) He told that he was working at 5 o’clock. E) He told he had been working at 5 o’clock.
$$$ 27 Choose the correct variant in indirect speech. He said, “I was here yesterday”: A) He said that he had been there the day before. B) He told that he was here yesterday. C) He said that he has been there the day before. D) He said he was there yesterday. E) He asked he was here yesterday.
$$$ 28 The boy says, “Our flat is on the second floor”: A) The boy says that our flat is on the second floor. B) The boy says that their flat is on the second floor. C) The boy says her flat is on the second floor. D) The boy says his flat was on the second floor. E) The boy says that his flats were on the second floor.
$$$ 29 What does not belong to any kind of degree? : A) Bachelor of Art. B) Master of Art. C) Undergraduate. D) Doctor of Philosophy. E) Bachelor of Science.
$$$ 30 What kind of education is offered in high schools in the USA? : A) Secondary education. B) Elementary education. C) Future education. D) Religious education. E) Higher education.
$$$ 31 Choose the correct answer: Who heads a faculty? : A) A teacher. B) A tutor. C) A dean. D) A rector. E) A professor.
$$$ 32 The number of ______ awarded for each course relates to the number of hours of work involved: A) Terms. B) Money. C) Credits. D) Years. E) Subjects.
$$$ 33 А period of study with exams at the end is called _____: A) Course. B) Time-table. C) Term. D) Subject. E) Lesson.
$$$ 34 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: A) Last week. B) A week ago. C) Some weeks ago. D) Last week-end. E) This week.
$$$ 35 Choose the expressions that are used in the Present Perfect Tense: A) Never, 3 years ago, since. B) Just, this week, never. C) In my childhood, last night, never. D) Already, for three years, yesterday. E) This week, last week, a week ago.
$$$ 36 Find the sentence in the Present Perfect Tense: A) She had cleaned her room before I came. B) I have already traveled abroad. C) They will have found the information by this time tomorrow. D) They didn’t have any troubles with this translation. E) They will have an English lesson tomorrow.
$$$ 37 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: A) Yet. B) Yesterday morning. C) Last night. D) Three years ago. E) Last week-end.
$$$ 38 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: A) When I was 3. B) For three years. C) 3 years ago. D) At 3 o’clock yesterday. E) On the 3rd of June.
$$$ 39 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: A) Last week. B) A week ago. C) Over the last three week. D) Last Sunday. E) Three week ago.
$$$ 40 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: A) Last night. B) Last week. C) Yesterday. D) So far. E) Many years ago.
$$$ 41 Choose the right variant of Present Perfect Passive: A) The job has been finished by me. B) The milk had been drunk by the cat. C) The flowers were been pluckedby the girls. D) That movie is watched by me. E) Another window broken by Peter.
$$$ 42 Choose the right variant of Present Perfect Passive: A) The job had been finished by me. B) The milk had been drunk by the cat. C) The flowers were been pluckedby the girls. D) That movie has been watched by me. E) Another window broken by Peter.
$$$ 43 Can you fill in the gap with the correct preposition: I applied _____ a job: A) In B) On C) With D) About E) For
$$$ 44 Choose the right variant of Present Perfect Passive: A) The job had been finished by me. B) The milk had been drunk by the cat. C) Six letters have been written by me. D) That movie was been watched by me. E) Another window have been broken by Peter.
$$$ 45 What will happen if you ___ to the University tomorrow? : A) Don’t go. B) Didn’t go. C) Will not go. D) Are not. E) Wouldn’t.
$$$ 46 Put the verb into the correct form: If I ___ $100 in the street, I will keep it: A) Found. B) Find. C) Will find. D) Would find. E) Have found.
$$$ 47 Put the verb into the correct form: If I ___ his number, I will telephone him: A) Would have known. B) Known. C) Would know. D) Know. E) Knew.
$$$ 48 Choose the correct form of the verb: If I were you, I (not/marry) him: A) Will not. B) Not marry. C) Not married. D) Wouldn’t marry. E) Don’t marry
$$$ 49 What is English for “производственная практика/өндірістік тәжірибе”?: A) Industry. B) State schools. C) Compulsory subjects. D) Industrial training. E) Extra subjects.
$$$ 50 What is English for “Обязательные предметы/міндетті пәндер”?: A) Education. B) State schools. C) Compulsory subjects. D) Secondary school. E) Extra subjects.
$$$ 51 Choose the correct synonym to the expression ‘not to pass an exam’: A) To take an exam. B) Not to miss an exam. C) To fail an exam. D) Not to be good at an exam. E) To retake an exam. F) Fall through.
$$$ 52 If a school leaver wants to get higher education, he or she needs ___: A) To give up studying. B) To graduate from the university. C) To have work experience. D) To apply to the university. E) To fail school final exams. F) To enter.
$$$ 53 Choose the correct definition to the word “applicant”: A) A first-year student. B) A school leaver who applies to the university. C) Someone who was a student at a particular school, college or university. D) A part-time student. E) An initiative worker. F) A person who makes a formal application for something.
$$$ 54 What type of school do most of British children go? : A) Modern school. B) Technical school. C) Grammar school. D) Comprehensive school. E) Private schools. F) Musical school.
$$$ 55 The chief of a school is called a ___: A) Head teacher. B) Librarian. C) Native speaker. D) Pupil. E) Headmaster. F) Student.
$$$ 56 Choose the phrase with the opposite meaning: state school: A) Compulsory school. B) Religious school. C) Private school. D) Individual school. E) Single-sex school. F) Public school.
$$$ 57 People who provide teaching at schools and universities are called ___: A) Students. B) Teaching staff. C) Administration. D) Teaching methods. E) Bachelors. F) Magistral staff.
$$$ 58 Primary school is divided into ___ in Britain: A) Infants (5—6) and Juniors (6—8). B) Infants (5—10) and Juniors (10—11). C) Infants (5—7) and Juniors (7—11). D) Infants (5—8) and Juniors (8—12). E) Juniors (7—11)and Infants (5—7).
$$$ 59 Primary school in Kazakhstan typically starts at age ___ and runs from years 1 – 4: A) Ten. B) Five. C) Nine. D) Seven. E) Six. F) Five.
$$$ 60 Choose the correct Sequence of tense: A) Alice explained to us that the flower shop were situated down the road. B) Alice explained to us that the flower shop is situated down the road. C) Alice explained to us that the flower shop was situated down the road. D) Sharon said she had left her key in her pocket, but she can't find it here. E) Sharon said she had left her key in her pocket, but she couldn't find it there. F) Sharon said she had left her key in her pocket, but she can’t find it there.
$$$ 61 Choose the correct form of Sequence of tense: A) He said he had been in bed since the morning. B) We wanted to know where she was going to spend her holiday. C) He said he is in bed since the morning. D) He said he will be in bed since the morning. E) We wanted to know where she will be going to spend her holiday. F) We wanted to know where she is going to spend her holiday.
$$$ 62 Choose the correct Sequence of tense: A) & I thought you were sleeping so I tried to be quiet. B) I thought you are sleeping so I tried to be quiet. C) & People say Mary and John will get married really soon. D) I thought you will be sleeping so I tried to be quiet. E) People say Mary and John shall get married really soon. F) People says Mary and John will get married really soon.
$$$ 63 Choose the correct Sequence of tense: A) Mary warned his parents that she would come home late that night. B) I knew Linda had been travelling around Europe for three months already. C) I knew Linda is travelling around Europe for three months already. D) I knew Linda will be travelling around Europe for three months already. E) Mary warned his parents that she will come home late that night. F) Mary warned his parents that she was come home late that night.
$$$ 64 Choose the correct form of Sequence of tense: A) Bill asked me what I have made for dinner the day before. B) Pam asked him why he wants to leave his job. C) Greg said that he needed a new job. D) Our teacher insisted on our finish by Friday. E) He said that he had already seen that film. F) He said that Tom was the best student he is taught.
$$$ 65 A high-level educational institution in which students study for degrees and academic research is done: A) School. B) Institute. C) Organization. D) University. E) Shop. F) Course.
$$$ 66 Choose synonym to the meaning “to live in hall”: A) To live after. B) To dwell. C) To inhabit. D) To live apart. E) To stay. F) To endure.
$$$ 67 There is another side of students’ life – ___one: A) Interesting. B) Unsocial. C) Sociable. D) Social. E) Lonely. F) Friend.
$$$ 68 The first lesson on the ___for Monday morning is history: A) Term. B) Timetable. C) Lecture. D) Practice. E) Schedule. F) Lesson.
$$$ 69 A verbal, written, or recorded communication sent to or left for a recipient who cannot be contacted directly: A) Content. B) Word. C) Message. D) Interview. E) Letter. F) Note.
$$$ 70 Choose the best synonym: to attend: A) To go to. B) To report. C) To spend. D) To go off. E) To graduate. F) To visit.
$$$ 71 Choose the right form of Indirect Speech: A) He said that he got up at eight o’clock B) He said that he get up at eight o’clock. C) He said that he was reading an interesting book. D) He said that I am waiting for her. E) He said that he were washed dishes. F) He said that he discusses a question.
$$$ 72 Choose the correct form of Indirect Speech: A) He said that he could not translate this article. B) He has told me that the negotiations have begun. C) My brother has said that he will come at five o’clock. D) She said that she would come today. E) He said that he liked this book. F) He said that he had been there yesterday.
$$$ 73 Choose the correct demonstrative pronouns of Indirect Speech: A) That. B) This. C) These. D) Those. E) It. F) Such.
$$$ 74 Choose the right adverbs of time of Indirect Speech: A) Now. B) That day. C) Ago. D) Yesterday. E) The day before. F) Next year.
$$$ 75 Can you choose the examples of Indirect speech: A) He said that he would write the letter tomorrow. B) He said, “I was here yesterday”. C) She said that she had to send him a telegram at once. D) He said, “I like this program”. E) He said he likes that movie. F) He said that he would write the letter the next day.
$$$ 76 Choose the right sentence in Indirect speech: A) He told me that he is ill. B) She told me she had caught a cold. C) He told me he was ill. D) He told me he has been ill. E) She told me she catches a cold. F) She asked me where are you.
$$$ 77 She said she was feeling bad day that day: A) Present perfect. B) Past simple. C) Indirect speech. D) Indirect speech in past continuous. E) Direct Speech. F) Passive voice.
$$$ 78 Mary says, “She ___in the evening”: A) Comes. B) Will come. C) Come. D) Has came. E) Shall come. F) Were come.
$$$ 79 Choose the antonym: “to enter”: A) To start. B) To return. C) To finish. D) To head up. E) To hear of. F) To graduate from.
$$$ 80 How is a person in charge of a small group of students who assists them in studying called? : A) A tutor. B) An assistant. C) A lecturer. D) A dean. E) A rector. F) A teacher.
$$$ 81 Which of the word means the higher educational establishment?: A) School. B) Tuition. C) Grade. D) University. E) Course. F) Institute.
$$$ 82 Choose the synonym: “complicated”: A) Difficult. B) Compulsory. C) Social. D) Brilliant. E) Multinational. F) Complex.
$$$ 83 In Britain ___ university students (students who spend all their time studying and have no other employment), have three terms of about ten weeks in each year: A) Time. B) Full-time. C) Curriculum. D) Part-time. E) Schedule. F) Examination.
$$$ 84 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: A) When I was 3. B) For three years. C) 3 years ago. D) At 3 o’clock yesterday. E) On the 3rd of June. F) Since 1998.
$$$ 85 Choose the expressions that are used in the Present Perfect Tense: A)Yet, already. B) Yet, last week, so far. C) Already, never, yesterday morning. D) This week, last night, already. E) Yet, already, yesterday. F) So far, never.
$$$ 86 Choose the expressions that are used in the Present Perfect Tense: A) So far, already, last year. B) This week, just. C) This week, already. D) Last week, for 3 years, just E) This week, yesterday morning, just. F) Yesterday morning, so far.
$$$ 87 What is English for: Работа, служба/Жұмыс, қызмет: A) Work. B) Opportunity C) Possibility. D) Employment. E) Solution. F) Decision.
$$$ 88 What is English for: Возможность/Мүмкіншілік: A) Purpose. B) Possibility. C) Reach. D) Reason. E) Opportunity. F) Sensible.
$$$ 89 Give the English variant: Решение/Шешім: A) Decision. B) Opportunity. C) Solution. D) Examination. E) Occupation. F) Purpose.
$$$ 90 Give the English variant: Продвижение (послужбе)/Жоғарылау, өрлеу: A) Decision. B) Training. C) Salary. D) Degree E) Promotion. F) Advancement.
$$$ 91 Choose the right translation: Зарплата /Жалақы: A) Promotion. B) Degree. C) Salary. D) Wages. E) Advancement. F) Colleagues.
$$$ 92 What is English for: Резюме: A) Resume. B) Apply. C) Practice. D) Refer. E) Curriculum vitae. F) Earn.
$$$ 93 Find the correct variant: Специалист/Маман: A) Profession. B) Specialist. C) Wages. D) Benefit. E) Occupation. F) Expert.
$$$ 94 Give the correct translation:Справляться/Орындап шығу: A) Cope. B) Decide. C) Choose. D) Solve. E) Manage. F) Apply.
$$$ 95 Choose the right translation: Выбор/Таңдау: A) Application. B) Choice. C) Benefit. D) Solution. E) Decision. F) Selection.
$$$ 96 Choose the sentences in the passive voice: A) She went after him. B) The big cake was baked by Sam. C) Tom delivered the mail. D) This building will be demolished next month. E) Tom will deliver the mail. F) He delivers the parcels.
$$$ 97 Choose the sentences in the passive voice: A) This school was opened last year B) The teacher explained the rule to the students. C) We write on the blackboard with chalk. D) In the evening he goes home. E) This book was bought a month ago. F) He is waiting for me downstairs. G) We write a lot of sentences.
$$$ 98 Choose the right sentences in Present Perfect Passive: A) The job has finished by me. B) This issue has not been agreed to by us. C) The job have been finished by me. D) The thieves have not been caught by them. E) The milk was been drunk by the cat. F) The milk has been drink by the cat.
$$$ 99 Choose the right sentences in Passive Voice (Past Perfect): A) The test had been finished by the end of the day. B) The bicycle had been repaired by 2 o’clock. C) This building will be demolished next month. D) Once a week, Tom cleans the house. E) Sam repaired the car. F) The questions is been discussed by the exam. G) The pies would always be made by my mother.
$$$ 100 Choose two right sentences in Passive Voice (Past Perfect): A) This building will be demolished next month. B) The picture had been painted by the Monday. C) Many tourists have visited that castle. D) The big cake was baked by Sam. E) Had the questions been discussed by the exam? F) Sam repaired the car. G) The pies would always be made by my mother.
$$$ 101 A university student who has not yet taken a first degree: A) Undergraduate. B) Teacher. C) Headmaster. D) Student. E) Postgraduate. F) Pupil. G) Lecturer. H) Freshman.
$$$ 102 Primary school is provided free to all ___and residents of Kazakhstan: A) Adult. B) Citizens. C) Pensioners. D) People. E) Inhabitants. F) Teachers. G) Child. H) Teachers.
$$$ 103 This is a highly specialized exam and is necessary for University entrance: A) Further Education. B) Lesson. C) General Certificate of Education. D) Exam. E) «А» level. F) Library. G) GCE exam. H) Lection.
$$$ 104 ___continue in lower secondary school from grade 5 to year 9 in Kazakhstan: A) Graduators. B) Students. C) Masters. D) Pupils. E) Children. F) Doctors. G) Bachelors. H) Child.
$$$ 105 A list of all the courses of study offered by a school or college: A) Course of study. B) Lesson. C) Curriculum. D) Subject. E) Examination. F) Program. G) Break. H) Bell.
$$$ 106 The curriculum for primary and secondary school is ___by the Ministry of Education, with little choice left to the individual schools: A) Considered. B) Designed. C) Made. D) Completed. E) Formed. F) Adopted. G) Established.
$$$ 107 Choose the synonym: “holiday”: A) Subject.