Английский язык (2 яз). 9 класс.Английский язык (2 яз). 9 класс. Урок 15.10.2020 Тема: Урок чтения. The Great London Fire Сегодня мы познакомимся с одним интересным фактом из истории Великобритании.
The Great London Fire
The old city of London had narrow, crooked streets with wooden house. It was a dirty city. In 1665 75,000 Londoners died from Plague. On September 2nd, 1666 a bakery in Pudding Lane near the London Bridge caught fire. After a long summer the wooden houses were dry. A wind was blowing from the river. It blew the flames from house to house, and the narrow streets the fire spread quickly. The fire burned for four days. It destroyed 80 percents of the city but nobody died in the fire. The people of London built a new city. The houses were made of brick or stones, not wood. The new streets were straight and they were wider and cleaner too. Sir Wren rebuilt St. Paul's Cathedral.
Why do you think the fire spread quickly?
Why wasn’t there another fire after 1666? 1. because the new city had wide streets; 2. because Sir Christopher Wren built a new cathedral; 3. because new houses of brick; 4. because the streets were cleaner; 5. because the fire destroyed 80 percents of the city; 6. because the wind stopped blowing
1. In August 1665 the old city of London caught fire. 2. The fire started on London Bridge. 3. The streets of old London were wide and straight, so the fire spread slowly. 4. The wind was blowing to the river and blew the flames from house to house. 5. The fire destroyed 80 percents of wooden houses. 6. 75,000 Londoners died in the fire. 7. Sir Charles Wren rebuilt the city and built a new St. Paul’s church.
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